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260 ANALYSIS OF<br />

THE <strong>ABHISAMAYALAMKARA</strong> 261<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 182b, 2.1<br />

[Jg. MDO. VI 187a. 3-5.] sems-can dge-ba-bcuhi<br />

las-fayi lam-la brten-pa-nas brtsams-te. mnon~par-ses-pa<br />

-> Iha-rnams-fayi bsod-nams rnhon-pat-hdu-byed-pa chvtnnur-gyur-pa-bas<br />

mi-dmigs~pa~la dmigs-pahi yid-la-byedpas<br />

rjes-su-yi-ran~ba snon-da-hgro-bahi yofm*su~bsno~ba<br />

bsod-nams lhag-pa-fiid yin-pahuphydr chwh-huhi fahyadpar-gyi<br />

dbye-bas bsod-nams chen-po hbyun-bahi yohs-subsfio-bahi<br />

yid-la~byed-pa chun-nu yin-no L<br />

II The intermediate degre e.—It refers<br />

to the cognition of the relative character of the intermediate<br />

kind of merit (of the Bodhisattva), viz. that of bringing<br />

the living beings to the realization of<br />

the Result of Entering the Stream and<br />

the following results up to the realization of<br />

the Stage of the Pratyekabuddha.<br />

[Abhis. aloki, MS. 182a. 5-10.] sm^W^TT^<br />

[Tg. MDO. VI. 187a. 6-7.] hbras-du dan-po-la gnas-panas<br />

bftsams-te ran-sans-rgyas-kyi bar-gyi bsod-nams mnonpar^hdu-byed-pa<br />

hbrih-du-gyur-pa-bas-ni de mi-dmigspahi<br />

dmigs-pa yid-la-byed-pas rjes-su-yi-ran-ba shon-duhgro-bahii<br />

yons-su-bsho-ba bsod-nams chen-po yin-pahiphyir<br />

hbrih~gi \hyad-pa\r-gyi dbye-bas bsod-nams chen-po<br />

hMyun-bahi yid-la-byed-pa hbrin yin-no. 2<br />

12 T h e h i g h e s t d e g r e e.—It refers to the<br />

cognition of the relatiye character of the highest form of<br />

merit (of the Bodhisattva) viz. that of b r i n g i n g<br />

t h e 1 i v ing b e i n g s to the S u p r e m e<br />

E n l i g h t e n m e n t of the Buddha. 3<br />

1 Pane. II. 230a. 2-6.=Ast. 154. 18—156. 3.—ends:<br />

2 Pane. IL 230a, 6b, 7.=Ast. 156. 3-21—f<br />

\<br />

to<br />

3 I have rendered this passage in an abridged form, the<br />

explanations of Haribhadra being very diffused.<br />

[Tg. MDO. VI. 187b. 3.] bsod~nams-chen~po hbyuhbaht<br />

yons-su-bsno-bahi yid-ia-byed-pa. 1<br />

Limits of the Path of Concentrated<br />

Contemplation characterized by<br />

moral convergenc e.—It begins with the first<br />

Stage of the Bodhisattva and lasts till the tenth.<br />

[Don. 10a. 2.] sa-mtshatns sa dah~po-nas bcu-pahi<br />

bar~m,<br />



DELIGHT. Wf#^W^WWf"# WR^rmT'T: ^rjes-su-yi-rahbahi<br />

yid-la-byed-pahi mtshan-nid-kyi sgcm-lam. Kar. II.<br />

24." (19).<br />

1. Definition and varieties ace, to Don. 2. anumodancimanmkjara<br />

ace. to the Abhis. alol^a. 3, Limits.<br />

Definition : The Mahayanist Saint's subsequent repeated<br />

cognition (of the Truth) which is connected with<br />

thought-construction and is characterized by a feeling of<br />

satisfaction with one's own merits and those of others.<br />

[Don. 10a. 3-4.] ran-gzan-gyi-dge-ba4a mhon-pardgah-hahi<br />

theg-chen-gyi rjes-la mhon-rtogs rtog-bcas de<br />

theg-chen-gyi rjes-su~yi~ran sgom~lam~gyi mtshan-nid.<br />

Varieties: (a) The delight caused by one's own<br />

merits and (b) that which is experienced in contemplating<br />

the merits of others.<br />

Or:—<br />

(a) The feeling of delight from the standpoint of the<br />

conventional reality and (b) the same viewed in the aspect<br />

of the Ultimate Reality. 2<br />

1 Pane. II. 230b. 8—231a. 1.—Rab~hbyor gzan-yan ston-gsumgyi<br />

ston-chen-pohi hjig-rten-gyi l%hams~na. sems-can ji sned-cig ycd-pa<br />

de-dag ihams-cad bla-na-med-pa yan-dag-par-rdzogs-pahi by an chubtu<br />

yan-dag~par-zugs-par~gyurte etc. Ast. 157. 1-14.—if %<br />

1 etc.<br />

2 I.e. from the standpoint of the conventional reality the roots<br />

of virtue are perceived as real whereas in the aspect of the Absolute

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