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The Aim of the Mahayanistic Activity. f<br />

= theg-chen sgrab-pahi ched-du-bya-ba. Kar. I, 42.—(6).<br />

[I. : Definition ace. to Don. 2. The 3 varieties of uddesa.<br />

Concordance with the Pane, and Ast. 3. Explanation of Skabs. etc<br />

4. Limits.]<br />

1. Definition: The ultimate goal which the<br />

Bodhisattva is to attain by his activity.—<br />

[Don. 6a. 6.] byafi-sems sgrub-pa hjug-pahi thobbya<br />

mthar-thug.<br />

2. Varieties: (1) The greatness of intellectual<br />

power which makes one superior to all living<br />

beings.—^^TcTliTcttf^TWIit^ = sems-can h u n-gyi mchog<br />

-nid-Jiyi sems chen-po-fiid.<br />

[Pane. I. 180a. 3.—cihi slad-du b yan- chub- semsdpah<br />

sems-dpah chen-po zes-bgyi. The same in Asf.<br />

18. 11. %5T 3>H*!fa WRF3- ^fiOTfSTT ^fraxSf fc^im —For<br />

what reason, O Lord, the Bodhisattva is called the Mahat<br />

sattva, the Great Being—The answer follows: Pane. I.<br />

&•*'/ 180a. 4.—bcomldan~hdas~k.yis bfyah-stsal-pa. Rab-hbyor<br />

sems-can-gyi phun-po chen-po hes-pahi phul-byed-parhgyur-bas.<br />

dehi-phyir byan-chubsems-dpah-la sems-dpahchen-po<br />

zes-byaho.—Ast. 18. 12, 13.—<br />

RT I—<br />

The Lord said : He attains the state of predominance<br />

over a great multitude of living beings. In this sense the<br />

Bodhisattva is called "the Mahasattva, the Great<br />

Being' \—] i .,<br />

(2) The greatness in the removal (of the Obscurations).—<br />

^*!FRfCr^ = spoh-ba-chen-po-hid.<br />

[Pane. I. 182b. 4.—yohs-su-mya-han-las mi-hdah-bar<br />

lta~ba rab-tu-spah-bahi slad-du chos ston~par~bgyid.—<br />

1 This is preceded by an indication of the different erroneous<br />

views (drsfi).<br />

THE <strong>ABHISAMAYALAMKARA</strong> 101<br />

Ast., 19. 4,5. 1 I—<br />

Without passing away into Nirvana he will teach the<br />

Doctrine conducive to the removal of the erroneous philo-<br />

sophical views. For this reason the Bodhisattva is called<br />

*'the Mahasattva," the Great Being.—]<br />

(3) The greatness in the process of cognition.—<br />

^fifiWWfTSf = rtogs-pa chen-po.<br />

[Pane. I. 183a. • 6.—byah-chub-\yi sems. mi-mnampa<br />

dan-mriam-pahi sems. nan-thos dan ran-sahs-rgyas<br />

thams-cad daft thun-mon-ba ma-lags-pahi sems—Ast.,<br />

19. 8-11.<br />

J I —The mind (of the Bodhisattva) striving after<br />

Enlightenment is the mind directed towards the attainment<br />

of Omniscience; it is the incomparable mind which<br />

has nothing in common with that of the Sravakas and the<br />

Pratyekabuddhas. 1 ]<br />

The first of these is synonymous with the special<br />

Omniscience of the Buddha, 2 —the cognition of all the<br />

absolute and empirical aspects of existence; the second<br />

is the removal of the Obscuration of Ignorance/ and the<br />

third includes the Buddha's Mental Effort, his Commiseration,<br />

altruistic thoughts, and Love.<br />

3. . [Skabs. I. 262b. 4-5.] ji'lta ji-sned rtogs-pahi mamm\hyen<br />

de dah-po dan ses-sgrib spans-pa de ghis-pa dan.<br />

sans-rgyas-liyi sems-bs^tjed shin-rje lhag-bsam byamssogs<br />

mams rtogs-pa chen-po yin.<br />

In such a form the threefold aim of the Bodhisattva*s<br />

Activity is indicated. This aim is similar to that of a<br />

king who wishes to conquer in battle. (Such a king) has<br />

to annihilate all the hostile forces, 4 to take possession of<br />

all the ground that is to be gained, and to attain a predominant<br />

position with regard to all (the other kings).<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 63a. 9-10.]<br />

[Rnam-bsad. 116b. 2.] rgyal-po gyul-du hjug-pa<br />

dah-chos-mtshuhs-par mi-mthun-phyogs ma~lm-pa spahs^<br />

pa dan. thob-bya ma-lus-pa thob-pa dan. rah-fiid ^wn-gt/i<br />

1 For the detailed explanation of this passage ace. to the<br />

Abhis. aloka—cf. Appendix.<br />

2 sarvct-aJzara-jnata.<br />

3 jneya-atiarana.<br />

4 Corresponds to prahana-mahattva. The others corresp, to<br />

adhigamarnahattva and sarvasattva-agrata-citta-mahattva res*<br />

pecti^t'y . ' " " : '•

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