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346 ANALYSIS OF<br />

| 7. The full accomplishment of all<br />

| the purest virtuous elements.<br />

j [Abhis. aloka. MS. 231b. 12.] ^f^T^^lft^f^wE 1 ]<br />

j [Don. 15a. 6.] zag-pa-med-pahi yon-tan thams-cad<br />

I rdzogs-pahi yon-tan, 1<br />

\ 8. The fact of becoming a person<br />

; who is able to communicate to others<br />

I the Teaching concerning the attainment of Omniscience.<br />

\ [Abhis. aloka. MS. 232a. 1.] WpfmSWH I<br />

[Don. 15a. 6.] smra-bahi sfcyes-buhi yon-tan. 2<br />

9. T h e i m p o s s i b i l i t y of b e i n g<br />

diverted by the Evil One from, the practice<br />

of virtue or from the Path leading to> Omniscience.<br />

[Abhis. aloka. MS. 232a. 12.]<br />

mgon-po Jilu~sgrub-k,yis cho-phyogs-nas yum dar bar-byas-pas dan-por<br />

de dan, de-nas Rgya-gar sar-phyogs dan de-nas Rgya dan Bod-la-sogspar<br />

dar-baho, zes hdod-do). It is interesting to compare here the passage<br />

of the Manjusri-mula-tantr'a (Kg. RGYUD. XL 149b.<br />

5.— 150a. 1. Narth.) concerning the propagation of the Mahayanistic<br />

Sutras in general. It is said as follows :—As regards the recitation of<br />

the Mahayanistic Sutras in the 4 regions it will be as follows :—T h e<br />

Mother of the Lord, the Prajn a-p aramita is<br />

to be recited in the South. The A r y a-C a n d r a-p r a d I p a-<br />

s a m a d h i (i.e. the Samadhi-rlja-sutra) will be recited in the<br />

West, The A r y a-g and a-v y u h a is to be read in the North,<br />

and the A r y a-S u v a r n a-p r a b h a s a-u fc t a m a—in the East.<br />

(phyogs-bzir theg-pa chen-pohi mdo-sde bfyfag-par-bya ba-la hdi-lta-ste.<br />

bcom-ldan-hdas yum ses-rab-kyi-pha-rol-tu-phyin-pa. Iho-phyogs-su<br />

hkJag-par~byaho. hphags-pa zla-ba-sgron-mahi tin-ne-hdzin nub-kyi<br />

phyogs-su bklag-par-byaho. hphags-pa slon~po rgyan-pa byanphyogssu<br />

bk.lag-par-byaho. hphags-pa Gser~hod-dam-pahi mdo-sde-ni<br />

sarphyogs-su bhlag-par~byaho).<br />

1 Rnarn-bsad. 222b. 2.—de-lta gnen-pohi chos lam-ser~phyin-gyis<br />

bsdus-pa ci-rigs-pa yonssu-rdzogs-pa thob-pahi-phyir—since the Bodhisattva<br />

at present brings to full accomplishment the antidotes which<br />

are comprised in the Climax of Wisdom taken in the sense of the<br />

Path. Cf. Kar. II. 14.—Pane. III. 32a. 6 sqq.—rigs-kyi bu dan rigs-kyi<br />

bti-mo de-dag-ni ser-phyin yons-su rdzogs-par-Egyur-bahi phyir-ro.<br />

2 Pane. III. 32b. 5.—rigs-l%yi buham rigs~kyi~bu-mo de-dag la<br />

nas rnam-mkhyen dah-ldan~pahi gtam brjod-pahi-phyir-ro.—because<br />

I have communicated to these noble youths and noble maidens the<br />

Climax of Wisdom.<br />

THE <strong>ABHISAMAYALAMKARA</strong> 347<br />

[Don. 15a. 6.] mi-phye-bahi yon-tan. 1<br />

10. The origination of special roots<br />

of virtue, as the faculty of leading others to the perfect<br />

Supreme Enlightenment.<br />

[Abhis. aloka. MS. 232b. 9-10.] ^TW^^^^fe-<br />

[Don. I5a. 6.] dge-rtsa thttn-mon-ma-yin-pa sfyyespahi<br />

yon-tan. 2<br />

11. The fulfilment of the acts in behalf<br />

of others which (the Bodhisattva) has<br />

promised to : carry out.<br />

[Abhis. aloka. MS. 232b. 15.] STf^fRMT^^T^<br />

[Don. 15a. 6.] dam-hcahi don sgrub-pahiyon-tan. 3<br />

12. The favourable factors f_o r the<br />

attaint ment of the Grand Result.<br />

I<br />

[Abhis. aloka. MS.I^IO.]^^^^^^^:] ,<br />

yohs-sa-<br />

[Don. 15a. 6-b. I.] hbras bu rgya-chen-po<br />

hdzin-pahi yon-tan. 41<br />

^<br />

13. The activity pursuing the welfare<br />

of other living beings.<br />

[Abhis. aloka. MS. 233a. 13.] ^^Ffafimf^ff[:] I<br />

[Don. 15b. 1.] sems-can-gyi don-byas-pahi yon-ian. 5<br />

14. The certain and complete realization<br />

of the Climax of Wisdom.<br />

[Abhis. aloka. MS. 233b. 11-12.] fercRTRRPBr[:] I<br />

[Don. 15b. 1.] ser-phyin ishan-ba tned-pahi yontan.<br />


TRAINING ^ T: = s^ o n . Kar. IV. 12. c, d. (34).<br />

1. Definition ace. to Don. 2. The 46 defects and their classification<br />

ace. to the Abhis. aloka and the Rnam-bsad.<br />

1 Pane. HI. 32b. 8.—33a. 1 ngs-%i bu dan rigs-kyi bu~mo dagni<br />

mnam~par-h;gyur-te.<br />

2 Ibid. 33a. 1-3. 3 Ibid. 33a. 8.—b. 1.<br />

4 Ibid. 33b. 4-5.—de-dag dge-bahi risaba rlabs~po-che yons-suhdzin-par-hgyur-ro.<br />

5 Ibid. 33b. 6 sqq.<br />

6 Pane. III. 34b. 2~35a. 1. Here ends Chapter XXX of the<br />

Pancaviipsatisahasrika.<br />

Si<br />


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