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2% ANALYSIS OF<br />

E m p i r i c a l W o r l d w h i c h is f a r f r o m<br />

t h e C l i m a x of W i s d o m a s t h e U l t i -<br />

m a t e R e s u l t ,<br />

t h e O m n i s c i e n c e in r e g a r d of t h e<br />

E m p i r i c a l W o r l d w h i c h is b e r e f t of<br />

S k i l l ,<br />

t h e O m n i s c i e n c e in r e g a r d of t h e<br />

E m p i r i c a l W o r l d w h i c h is " f e t t e r -<br />

e d " ( l i m i t e d ) o w i n g t o t h e d i ff e r e n-<br />

ti a t i o n of s e p a r a t e e n t i t i e s ,<br />

t h e O m n i s c i e n c e in r e g a r d of t h e<br />

E m p i r i c a l W o r l d w h i c h r e p r e s e n t s a<br />

p o i n t t o b e s h u n n e d ( b y t h e B o d h i -<br />

s a t t v a ), and—<br />

t h e H i n a y a n i s t i c O m n i s c i e n c e in<br />

r e g a r d of t h e E m p i r i c a l W o r l d .<br />

[Don. 12a. 2-3,] hbi'as-yum-la ne-ba\hi gzi-ses dart,<br />

thabs ma-yin-pahi gzi-ses. mtshan-hdzin-gyis bcih-bahi<br />

gzi-ses mi-mthun-phyogs-l^yi gzi-ses. theg-dman-gyi gzi~<br />

ses-rnams don-gcig.<br />



3SJJtTH5PTtor:<br />

(or ^tSRrm#i: gzi-ses-sbyor-ba. Kar. III. 8-10a,<br />

b. (28).<br />

1. Definition, 2. Varieties of the Training ace, to the Abhis.<br />

aloltfi, the Gser. and the Rnam-bsad :—4 forms with respect to the<br />

object of meditation (yul-gyi sgo-nas dbye-ba bzi.), 3 forms with<br />

respect to the essence oif the Training (no-bohi sgo-nas gsum.),<br />

2 forms with respect to the functions (byed-pahi sgo-nas gnis.), and<br />

1 form with respect to the point of comparison (ses-byed-kyi dpahi<br />

sgo-nas.) 1 —altogether 10 forms. 3. The Training of the Hlnayanists<br />

is indicated indirectly.<br />

Definition: The yoga of the Bodhisattva which is<br />

in conformity with the Hinayanistic faculty of cognition<br />

and represents the antidote against the erroneous views<br />

in regard of the 1 true nature of the Empirical World, its<br />

essence and characteristic features.<br />

[Don. 12a. 6b. 1.] gzi liun-rdzob-pahi sdod-lugs-fyyi<br />

no-bo dan khyad-pat-la phyin-ei-log-tu zen~pahi gnen-po<br />

THE <strong>ABHISAMAYALAMKARA</strong> 297<br />

theg-drnan-gyi rtogs-tigs-su-gnas-pahi sems-dpahi mal~<br />

hbyor-de. hdir-bstcan gzi-ses sbyor-bahi mtshan-nid. l<br />

Varieties (10 in n u m b e r ) are as follows :•—-<br />

(a) 4 v a r i e t i e s w i t h r e s p e c t to t h e<br />

o b j e c t (of m e d i t a t i o n ).—<br />

1 The Training in t h e n e g a t i o n o f<br />

r e a l i s t i c i m p u t a t i o n s w i t h r e g a r d<br />

to M a t t e r a n d t h e o t h e r e l e m e n t s of<br />

e x i s t e n c e . (1),<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 203b. 1.] ^Trf^FfrT* t=Wr*<br />

(III. 8a.).<br />

[Don. 12b. 1.] gzugssogs bden-zin bk.ag-pahi sbyor-*<br />

ba. 2 2 The Training in t h e n e g a t i o n of<br />

r e a l i s t i c i m p u t a t i o n s r e g a r d i n g the<br />

c h a r a c t e r i s t i c f e a t u r e s of M a t t e r<br />

etc. as i m p e r m a n e n c e and so on. (2).<br />

[Abhis. aloka. MS. 203b, 3.]<br />

fMferFf^#'rTM=<br />

^fiMFfr (III. 8a.).<br />

[Don. 12b. 2.] h$iijad~chos de mi-rtag-pa-sogs-la<br />

bden-zentbfzag-pahi sbyor-ba. 3<br />

3 The 1 Training in the contemplation of Matter, and<br />

the other elements of existence as 'incomplet e*<br />

and 'complete,' i.e. as being the product of our<br />

thought-construction on one side and as having an<br />

Ultimate 1 Transcendental Reality on the other. (3).<br />

The elements of Matter etc. in the imputed<br />

aspect 1 are merely the product of our constructive<br />

thought. They are therefore devoid of a real essence of<br />

their own and consequently 'incomplete* i.e. unreal as<br />

things in, themselves. On the other hand, the same<br />

1 "The definition of the Training for the attainment of the<br />

Omniscience in regard of the Empirical World as demonstrated<br />

here." This is an allusion to the fact that there exists another kind<br />

of Training viz. that of the Hinayanist, which is different.<br />

2 Pane. II. 273a. 2-3.=Ast. 193. 13, 14.-^ %j;<br />

3 Pane. II. 273a.*8. = Ast. 193. 16, 17.—<br />

Rnam-bsad, 188a. 6—b. 1.<br />

4 parikalpita = kunbtags. Cf. "Doctrine of Pr.-par." pp. 93, 94 ,

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