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122 ANALYSIS OF<br />

1<br />

S t e a d f a s t n e s s , 5. the A c c u m u l a t i o n of<br />

E n e r g y, 2 6. t h e A c c u m u l a t i o n of Conc<br />

e n t r a t i o n , and 7. the A c c u m u l a t i o n of<br />

3<br />

H igh est W i s d o m . — 4<br />

THE <strong>ABHISAMAYALAMKARA</strong><br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 66b. 4—67a. I.]<br />

123<br />

laslftji lam~la rah-lu hgod do. = Dutt, 187. 21-22.—Again, O<br />

Subhuti, the Bodhisattva, the Mahasattva, who abides in t h e<br />

practice of the Climax of Morality is possessed<br />

of regard (for the living beings). And, having assumed a state<br />

of existence (in this world) he becomes born in a race of universal<br />

monarchs (cafyravartlrif and, having become a universal sovereign<br />

(himself), he leads the living beings to the Path which is characterized<br />

by the practice of the 10 virtues.—<br />

1 Ibid. 200b. 3-6.—Rab-hbyor gzan-yan byan-chen bzod-pahi<br />

pha-rol-tu-phyin-pa~la gnas-te.........na-rgyal sems-can thams-cad bdagla<br />

rdo dan dbyug-pas brdegdn mtshon-gyis hdebs-kyan de-la bdag-gis<br />

hfyhrug-pahi setns. hgah-tsam-yah bsfyyed-par mi-byaho, =Dutt, 188.<br />

11-12.—O Subhuti, the Bodhisattva, the Mahasattva, who abides<br />

in the practice of the Climax of Patience<br />

(or Steadfastness), thinks :—All the infatuated living beings may<br />

beat me with stones, and sticks and wound me with their weapons,<br />

but nevertheless, I will not, in anycas, give way to an irritated<br />

mind.-—<br />

2 Ibid. 201a. 3-4.—Rab-hbyor gzan-yah byan-chen brtsonhgrus-k,yi<br />

pha-rol-tu-phyin-pa-la gnas sin sems-can thams-cad brtsonhgrus-kyi<br />

pha-rol-tu-phyin-pa-la hshul zin gzag-go. = Dutt, 189. 1-2.<br />

—Again, O Subhuti, the Bodhisattva, the Mahasattva, who abides in<br />

the practice of the Climax of Energy, incites all the<br />

living beings to practise the said virtue and supports them (in this<br />

practice).—<br />

3 Ibid. 201b, 3-4.—Rab-hbyor gzan-yah byan-chen bsam-gtan*<br />

gyi pha-rol-tu-phyin-pa~la gnas sin sems-can thams-cad bsam-gtangyi<br />

pha-rol-tu~phyin-pa-la yan-dag-par-b&kjul. zin gzag-go. = Dutt, 189.<br />

10-11.—Again, O Subhuti, the Bodhisattva, the Mahasattva, who<br />

abides in the practice of the Climax of Concentration,<br />

incites all living beings (to follow him in this<br />

practice) and supports them.—<br />

4 Pane. I. 202a 7-lb* I.- 5 —-Rab-hbyor hdi-!a byan-chen ses-rab-<br />

1%yi pha-rol-iu-phyin-pa-la spyod-pahi ishe chos gan-yah skyebaham.<br />

hgag-paham. \un-nas-ncn-mohs-paham. tnam-par-hyan<br />

baham tshu-rol-tam pha-rol mi-dmigs-te. Rab-hbyor de-ltar byan<br />

chen ses-~rab~kyi pha-rol-iu-phyin-pa-la gnas-pa yin-te. =Dutt, 189.<br />

23—O Subhuti, the B. M. who acts in the field of the Climax of<br />

Wisdom does not perceive any of the elements of existence as<br />

becoming originated, as disappearing, as defiling or purifying, and<br />

as relating to this or to the other world. In such a manner, Q<br />

Subhuti, the B. M* takes his stand in the Climax<br />

b'i-- Wisdom. - - • _ • • • • • • • -... .,<br />

i f% i =^r ^Rrft^ f^ (46a.). "<br />

[Tg. MDO. VI. 65b. 2-8.]^snin-rtse-ba dan-bral zin<br />

thabs dan~mi~ldan-pas ni gzan-rnams hgah-zig k.V an mya-hanlas-bzla-ba<br />

mi~srid~pahi-phyir-te. snin-rje \)id-gduh$-pa~mams<br />

sbyin-pahi pha-rol~tu~ph\)in-pas hdas-pahi dus-kyi 1 bde~ba<br />

ne-barsgrub-pa dan. tshul-khrims-liyi phd-rol-tu-phyin-pas mahons-pahi<br />

bde-ba fie-barsgrub-pa dan, bzod-pa dan spro-ba<br />

dan sems-rise-gcig-pas hbras-bu gcig~tti~nes-p(f thob-pa-yinpahi<br />

ph\)ir. bzod-pa dan. brtson-hgrus dan. bsam-gtan-gyi p/iarol-tu-phyin-pa-mams-kyis<br />

gcig-ia-hes-pahi bde-ba ne-bar^sgrubpa<br />

dan. ses~rab-kyi pha-rol~tu~phinn-p®s gtan-du-bahi bde-ba<br />

ne-bar-sgrub-pas-na. thabs-sa-gpur-pa sbyin-pa-lasogs-pa pharol-ta-phyin-pa<br />

drug~po~mams~kyi$ rjes-su-bzuh-nas bdag-nid<br />

pha-rol-tu-phyin-pa drug-la gnas-pa dan-hdra-bar. de-nid-layan-dag-par-sbyor-ba<br />

dan hjog-pa dan rab-tu hjog-pas mi-gyelbas<br />

rab-tu-gzag-par-byaho. zes-bya-ba ni don-gyis Jiphahspa<br />

yin-no. zes brjod-pa pin~no. de-ltar-na tshogs bdun bstan-*<br />

par gpur-pa \}in~te. hdi-ltar snin-rjehi tshogs dan. sbyin-pahi<br />

tshogs dan. tshul-k,hrims-kyi tshogs daft, bzod-pahi tshogs dan.<br />

brtson-hgrus-kyi tshogs dan. bsam-gtan-gyi tshogs dan. ses-rabkyi<br />

tshogs-so.<br />

We have next:—-<br />

8. Tlie Accumulation of Mental<br />

Quiescence (or of Mind-concentration). The latter<br />

1 This translation of tadatva seems strange. Gser. (I. 295a. 5.):<br />

dits dehi bde-ba.'<br />

2 Gser. I. 295a. 6.— hbras-bu-gcig-tu-nes-pa rgyu dan-rjes-sumthun-pa<br />

k.ho-na hgrub-pas.-—As they bring about the definite<br />

result, just that which is conformable with the causes. This is<br />

opposed to the "illimited* bliss mentioned in connection with the<br />

Climax of Wisdom.<br />

j<br />


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