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382 ANALYSIS OF THE <strong>ABHISAMAYALAMKARA</strong> 383<br />

16 The Bodhisattva's knowledge about the Buddha's<br />

cognition of the Absolute and<br />

t Hi s teaching.of it to others in accordance<br />

with this his cognition. (The<br />

Buddha) demonstrates the Absolute which pervades all<br />

elements of existence in its unique undifferentiated<br />

na ture. )<br />

[Abhis. Iloka, MS. 251a. 14-253b. 3. 1 ]<br />

I<br />

q( 17a, b.)<br />

[Gser. IV. 78b. 4-5.] de-bzin-gsegs-pas de-bzin-nid<br />

Hogs-pa de ran-gis rtogs-pa~ltar gdul-bya gzan-la bstart cin<br />

btags-paham hdogs-pa ses-pa. 2<br />



THE PATH. KAR. IV. 18, 19.<br />

Definition of the Training in the<br />

Omniscience regarding the Path viewed<br />

from the standpoint of the varieties<br />

of cognitio n.—It is the Transcendental<br />

Intuition of the Bodhisattva as characterized by the<br />

forms of cognition peculiar to the Omniscience in regard<br />

to the Path, as those of Non-substantiality, Non-differentiation,<br />

3 etc.<br />

nit wt<br />

1 The order of the MS. is heie inverted.<br />

2 Pane. III. 61b. 2-63a. 1-8.— Ast 271. 10, .-rrsf ff<br />

4-16 as follows :—<br />

I The Samcaya (40a. 1-2) has with regard to<br />

[Don. 17a. 6.] stoh-hid rntshan-med-sogs lam~ses~<br />

fyyi sGs-paht rnam-pa gan-run-bas kh.yad-par~du~byas~pa}).i<br />

sems-dpahi ye-ses de hdir-bstan lam-ses-sbyor-bahi sesmtshan-gyi<br />

mtshan-hid.<br />

Case falling under the definition.<br />

The Training of the Bodhisattva whose distinctive feature<br />

is the exertion for the sake of others, and which has for<br />

its aspects Non-substantiality, Non-differentiation, or any<br />

of the other aspects relating to the Omniscience in regard<br />

to the Path.<br />

[Don. 17b. 1.] mtshan~g£i• gzan-don-gyi bya-dkuh-basogs<br />

sgrub-pahi lihyad~par~du byas sin stoh-hid mishanmed-sogs<br />

lam-ses-i^yi mam-pa gan-rtvn-gi rnam~can~gyi<br />

sems-dpahi sbyor-ba lta-bu.<br />

[The 16 Varieties of Cognition characterizing the<br />

Training in the Omniscience regarding the Path according<br />

to the Abhis. aloi^d and the Gser.] Thereafter we have<br />

the exposition of the varieties of cognition with respect to<br />

the Omniscience in regard to the Path. (We have here as<br />

follows):— ,.,<br />

1 The Bodhisattva's knowledge about the Buddha's<br />

cognition of No n-s ubstantiality,<br />

i.e., of the separate unreality of all elements of existence<br />

from the point of view of their essence.<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 254b. 9-10.]<br />

(IV. 18a.) " I<br />

[Gser. IV. 79b. 5.] chos thams-cad ho-bos stoh-panid-du<br />

ses-pa. 1<br />

2 The Bodhisattva's knowledge about the Budd<br />

h a's cognition of No n-d i ff e r e n t i a t i o n,<br />

i.e., of the unreality of the elements from the point of<br />

view of their causes.<br />

[Gser. IV. 79b. 5.] rgyuhi mtshan-ma med-p&r<br />

ses~pa. 2<br />

3 The Bodhisattva's knowledge about the Buddha's<br />

cognition of the unreality of the elements from the stand-<br />

,1/ 'L<br />

3 These are included in the 34 aspects of cognition common to the<br />

Buddha and the Bodhisattvas. Cf. table and "Doctrine of Pr.-par.",<br />

p. 78, note.<br />

1 Pane. III. 63b. 3.—lhah< bu-dag ses-rab-l^yi pha->rol*tu-phyin~<br />

pa zab-mo hdi~ni ston-pa~nid~kyi mtshan-nid-do.—Ast. 173. 1.—<br />

2 Pane. III. 63b. 3.—lhaht bu-dag ses~rab~kyi pha-rol-tu-phyinpa<br />

zah~rno hdi-ni, mtshantnained-pahi rntshan-nid-do,

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