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396 ANALYSIS OF<br />

[Gser. IV. 85a. 4-5.] sans~rgyas~kyi ye~ses bzihi rgyubyed<br />

cin rtog-gehi yut-las~hda\s~paht bsam-gyis mi~khyab~<br />

pa. 1 2 R e s u l t i n g C o g n i t i o n of t h e Doct<br />

r i n e c o n c e r n i n g P h e n o m e n a l Exist<br />

e n c e.—jfiif SRTlfH : =s ; dug-bsh.al4a chos-ses-pa.<br />

The cognition of the same Absolute Essence as being<br />

unequalled, since there is nothing with which it<br />

might be compared.<br />

^Wff#n i=3cp^ (IV. 24a.)<br />

[Gser. IV. 85a. 5.] dpe-zlar-rufi-bahi mtshitr\s->pa-med»<br />

pas mi-mham-pa-nid. 2<br />

3 Perseverance in the Introspective Cognition con<br />

cerning Phenomenal Existence.<br />

bsftal-la rJGs«su~se8''pahi jp<br />

bzod-pa. p<br />

The cognition of the said essence as limitless<br />

through the impossibility of applying to it any measure<br />

whatsoever.<br />

: 1=%F...(IV. 24a.)<br />

[Gser. IV. 85a. 5.] de~kho~nar tshad-mas gzal-ba-las<br />

yan~dag-par~hdas-pa. 3<br />

4 R e s u l t i n g I n t r o s p e c t i v e C o g n i -<br />

tion, c o n c e r n i n g P h e n o m e n a l Exist<br />

e n c e .<br />

^<br />

rjes~su~ses-pa.<br />

The cognition of the elements in the aspect of this<br />

essence as innumerable,<br />

by numbers that are expressed by words etc.<br />

ft feft 1 (IV.<br />

as they cannot be counted<br />

1 Pane. III. 6%, 6.—bcom-ldan-hdm ser-phyin hdi-ni don<br />

bsam-gyis mi-Jihyab-pahi slad-du ixe-bar gnasso.—Ast. 277. 4.—<br />

2 Pane. III. 69b. 6.—bcom-ldan-hdas ser-phyin hdi-ni don<br />

dpag~tu-ma-mchhis-pahi slad-du ne-bat-^nas-so.—Ast. 277. 4.—<br />

3 Pane. III. 69b. 7.—bcom-ldcn-hdas ser-phyin hdini don gzaldn<br />

ma-mchispahi slad-du ne~bar~gnas-so.—Ast, 277. 4.—<br />

THE <strong>ABHISAMAYALAMKARA</strong> 397<br />

[Gser. IV. 85a. 5-6.] sgras-brjod-pa-sogs-l^yi grahs*<br />

k.yis bgran-ba-las yah-dag-par-hdas-pahi sdug-bsnal bit<br />

rtogs-pa. 1<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 258a. 3-5.] ^<br />

5 Perseverance in the Cognition of<br />

Doctrine concerning the Principle of<br />

the Origin. ^TJJ^ WfTR^Tf-cf: ••=kun~hbyuh~la chosses-pahi<br />

bzod-pa.<br />

The cognition of the Absolute Essence underlying the<br />

elements relating to the Principle of the Origin as including<br />

the virtuous properties of all<br />

the different kinds of Saints, beginning<br />

with the ^ravaka and ending with the Buddha, these<br />

virtuous properties being viewed as referring to the<br />

removal (of defilement) and the cognition (of the Truth).<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 260a. 5-6]<br />

S (IV. 24c.)<br />

[Gser. IV. 85b. 2-3.] nan~thos~nas sans-rgyas-ktji bar<br />

hphags-pahi gan-zag thams-cad^kyi spahs-rtogs yon-tan<br />

thams-cad sdiid-pa. 2<br />

6 R e s u l t i n g C o g n i t i o n o f t h e D o c -<br />

t r i n e , c o n c e r n i n g t h e P r i n c p l e o f t h e<br />

Origin. ^3J^ij spPfsTR ^k u n~hbyuh~!ci chos-ses-pa.<br />

The knowledge of the Absolute Essence of the said<br />

elements as accessible to the cognition<br />

of the wise, i.e. of persons endowed with special<br />

faculties.<br />

[Abhis, aloka, MS. 261a. 4-5.] g<br />

M] (IV. 24d.)<br />

[Don. 18b. 2.] mkhcts-pas ses-par-bya-bahi de. 3<br />

1 Pane. III. 69b. 7.—hcom-ldan-hdas ser-phyin hdi-ni mi-ninampi<br />

dan mnam-pahi slad-du ne-har-gnas-so,—Ast. 277. 4, 5.—<br />

^<br />

ans-su-ma-mchis-pa) in the Pane.<br />

Notke the ahsence of<br />

2 Pane. III. 70b. 7 sqq.— Ast. 281. 1. aqq.— .<br />

3 Paiic. III. 75a. 2.~—bcom.ldan~hdas ser-phyin hdi-ni zab-cifo<br />

blta-dkah-la. rtogs-pa-dkah-ba-ste mi-brtag-pa. brtag-pahi spyod-yul<br />

ma~lags-pa zi zin phra-la mk.has-pa dan. byan~ha dctn. yid-gsalbaa<br />

htshal-bar-bgyi-haho.—CompaYe Uttaratafntra, Transl. pp. 131, 132,<br />

1 3 3 . • • ' • • •<br />

;<br />

•"' • •<br />

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;<br />


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