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THE<br />


. {TgvMDO.-VI 175a. 5.] mi-dmigs-pahi rnam-pa-cangyi<br />

yons~su~bsno-ba yid-la-byed-pa 1<br />

3. The convergence free from<br />

error 2 which is characterized by the cognition of the<br />

relative character of the mi n d by which the convergence<br />

is brought about. 3<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 175b. 9-10.]<br />

[Tg. MDO. VI. 181b. 4.J phyin-ci-mm-log-palji tntshannid-kyi<br />

yohs-su-bsno-bahi yid~la~byed~pa. %<br />

4. The c o n v e r g e n c e c li a r a c t e r i z e d<br />

by perfect emancipation,, inasmuch as the<br />

force producing virtue, that is the volition which arouses<br />

to life the roots of virtue (as absence of desire etc.) is free<br />

from any connection with imputations regarding the<br />

reality of the Ego etc.<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 177a. 15-b. 1.]<br />

c -<br />

: !<br />

1 Pane. II. 214b.4—215b. 2.=As|. 135, II—136. 7 .sqq.<br />

ete<br />

etc -<br />

2 I.e. the conception of the Ego (Gser. II. 64a. 4.).<br />

3 Gser. II. 64a. 4-5.—gan-gis bsno-bar-bt/ed-pahi sems.<br />

4 Pane. II. 221a. 4-6.—Byams-pa gal~te byan-chen de mnsrgyas<br />

bcom-ldan-hdas nan-thos dan-bcas~pa de~dag-la sems-k.yan<br />

de-la sans-rgyas-sp hdu-ses-par mi-hgyur nan-thos-§u hdu-ses-par-mi'<br />

hgyur etc. up to: de~ltar yons~su~bsno-bahi byan-chen-la hdu-ses<br />

phyin~ci~log-tu-gyur~pa med-paho.—O Maitreya, if the B.M. in<br />

thinking about the Buddha and Sravakas, does not become possessed<br />

of a consideration in favour of the Buddha (as a separate reality)<br />

and of the Sravakas (in the same aspect) etc. etc ....he, in<br />

bringing about the convergence, will not be pos^eisedoi<br />

erroneous view s.—Ast. 140. 18 sqq.<br />

138 «<br />

ITg. MDO. VI. 187a. 2-3.] dben-pahi gons-su-bsnoba<br />

yid-la^byed-pa *.bsod~nams rnnon-par-hdu-byedpa<br />

zes-bya-baAa bsod-nams-ni ma-chags-pahi dge-bahi<br />

risa-ba4a~sogS"paho. de dehi mhon~par-hdu~byed~pa-ni de<br />

kwn"nas~slan~bar-byed"pahi sems-paho. 1<br />

5 The convergence characterized by the recollection<br />

of the relative character of the<br />

virtues of the Buddha. The roots of virtue<br />

of the Buddha and the mind which brings about their<br />

convergence are conceived as having no separate reality<br />

of their own. 2 As the Bodhisattva has no imputed views<br />

regarding their reality, he does not make a differentiation<br />

of them as separate entities.<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 177b. 5-6]<br />

\ [ Ibid. 178b. 15-179a. 1. ]<br />

f%fT<br />

eljfojjhf<br />

[Tg. MDO. VI. 183a. 5-6.] sans-rgyas~kyi dge~bahi<br />

bahi rah-bzin TJes-su-dtan-pahi yohs~su-bsho~ba yid~<br />

la-byed-pa,<br />

[Ibid. 184a. 7-8.] de-bzin~gsegs-pahi dge-bahi-tshogs<br />

dan yons-su-bsno-bar-byed-pahi sems-la sgyu-rna-lta-byr<br />

sems-sih de-fyho-na-nid dehi rah-bzinrdu mhon-par-zjinpa-med-pas<br />

mtshan-mar-mi-byed-do. 3<br />

6 The convergence characterized<br />

by skill. This skill manifests itself in the cognition<br />

of the relative character of the six Transcendental Virtues<br />

1 The Xyl. leaves out the last part of the sentence.—Pane. II.<br />

222a. 7-8.—gal~te byan-cheft bsod~nams-bya~bahi dnos-po mnon-parhdu~bya-ba<br />

de phun-po dan. khams dan. skye-rnched-rnams-kyis<br />

dhen-par-ses-ie. £e$~rab~ktji~pha-rol-tu-phyin~pas dben-par-§es. = Ast.<br />

149. 19, 20.—^<br />

20Fcf: etc.<br />

2 Lit. **as resembling an illusion.**<br />

3 Pane. II. 223a. 6-7,—gzan-yan byan-chen sans-rgyas bcomldan-hda§<br />

nan-thos-ktfi dge-hdun dan-bcas~pas yons-su-mya-nan-lashdas-pa<br />

de-dag~gi dge-bahi^tsa-ba de-dag yons-su-bsno-na. hdi-ltar<br />

yons-su bsno-bar-bya ste. (ace. to Gser. II. 64b. 5.—de-dag-gi dge~<br />

rtsa de-dag thams-cad rjes-su-dran-par-byas-nas hdi-ltar yohs-su<br />

bsno-bar-bya ste. = Ast. 150. 3, 4. sqq.—T<br />

^ 3 ^<br />


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