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108 ANALYSIS OF<br />

Thereafter the reverend Puma, the son of MaitrayanI<br />

addressed the Lord as follows : O Lord, I must likewise<br />

have a clear insight, for what reason the Bodhisattva is called<br />

"the Mahasattva," the Great Being.—The Lord said:—Be<br />

thou,. O Purna, possessed of this clear insight.—Purna then<br />

said:—O Lord, he (the Bodhisattva) is a being who is<br />

endowed with the Great Outfit, etc.-—<br />



I. Definition of the Climax of Charity; The Transcendental<br />

Wisdom of the Bodhisattva characterized by the<br />

will of granting gifts.—Is endowed with 4 characteristic<br />

features.<br />

[Skabs. I. 271a. 3-4] chos bzildan-gpi gion-bahi<br />

sems-pahi cha-nas-bzag-pahi pe-ses de. sbpin-pahi pharphpin-gpi<br />

mtshan-nid.<br />

The 4 characteristic features are: 1 (a) the rejection of the<br />

points to be shunned as any of the 7 kinds of attachment (to<br />

worldly objects) and of envy, 2 (b) the cognition of Non-substantiality,<br />

3 (c) the fulfilment of the desires of others 4 and (d)<br />

the conversion (of others) to the Paths of the 3 Vehicles by<br />

means of Charity. 5 —<br />

[Skabs. I. 271a. 4-5] chos bzi ni chags-pa bdun gahrun<br />

dan ser-sna ci-rigs fiams-pa dan. ston-nid rtogs-pa dan.<br />

gzan-gpi re-ba rdzogs-pa dan, sbyin-pas bsdus-nas theg-pa<br />

gsum-du sminpa gah-ruh bped-pd bzi yin.<br />

2, Definition of the Climax of Morality; The Transcendental<br />

Wisdom (of the Bodhisattva) characterized by the<br />

! Sutralamkara. XVI. 8.<br />

2 matsarya. The text ed. by Prof, S. Levi has tatparyasya<br />

(sic, instead of matsaryasya) prahtnatvat.<br />

3 Commentary : nirvik.alpa-jnana-sahagatam dharrrM-na.ratmyaprativedha-ybgat.<br />

4 Ibid, sarva-iccha paripura^atn yo yad icchail tasmai tasya *<br />

danat.<br />

5 Ibid, danena sattvan samgrhya trim yanesu yathabhavyaniyojanqt—having<br />

united the converts by means of Charity (as one<br />

of the samgraha-vastu) etc.—<br />

THE <strong>ABHISAMAYALAMKARA</strong> 109<br />

will of preserving (moral purity).—Is endowed with 4 characteristic<br />

features. 1<br />

[Skabs. I. 271b. 2.] chos bzi-ldan-gyi smh-bahi semspahi<br />

cha-nas-bzag-pahi ye-ses de. tshul~khrims-kyi pharph\)in~gyi<br />

mtshan-nid.<br />

3. Definition of the Climax of Patience ; The Transcendental<br />

Wisdom characterized by the virtuous element of<br />

steadfastness.—Is endowed with 4 characteristic features. 2 —<br />

[Skabs. I. 271b. 2-3.] chos bzi-ldan-g^i mi-hkhrugspahi<br />

dge-rtsahi cha-nas-bzag-pahi pe-ses de. bzod-pahi pharphyin-gyi<br />

mtshan-nid.<br />

4. Definition of the Climax of Energy; The Transcendental<br />

Wisdom characterized by the perseverance in the<br />

practice of virtue.—Is endowed with 4 characteristic<br />

features. 3 —<br />

[Skabs. I. 271b. 3-4.] chos bzi-ldan gyi dge-ba-la pandag-par-spro-bahi<br />

cha-nas-bzag-pahi ye-ses de. brtson-hgruskyi<br />

phar-phyin-g$i mtshan-nid.<br />

5. Definition of the Climax of Concentration; The<br />

Transcendental Wisdom characterized by a virtuous concentration<br />

of the mind upon one point.—Is endowed with 4 characteristic<br />

features. 4 —<br />

[Skabs. I. 271b. 4-5] chos bzi-ldan-gpi dge-bahi sems<br />

rtse-gcig-pahi cha-nas-bzag-pahi pe-ses de. bsam-gtan-gyi<br />

phar-phpin-gyi mtshan-nid.<br />

6. Definition of the Climax of Wisdom; 5 The Transcendental<br />

Wisdom characterized by the thorough analysis of<br />

the elements of existence.—Is endowed with 4 characteristic<br />

features. 6 —<br />

I Sfltral. XVI. 9.—The first characteristic feature is the rejection<br />

of immorality (dauh£ilya=hchal~bahi tshul-khrims). The rest are the<br />

same as with dana-paramila,<br />

2 Sutral. XVI. 10.—The first characteristic feature is the rejection<br />

of wrath (kradha — khro-ba). The other 3 are the same as with danaparamita.<br />

3 Ibid. XVI. II.—The first char, feature is the rejection of<br />

lassitude (lzaustdya = le-lo). The others are the same as with ddnaparamita.<br />

4 Ibid. XVI. 12.—The first char, feature is the rejection of<br />

distraction (vik.§&pa~rnatn~gyen). The other 3—ditto.<br />

5 As one of the 6 paramitas.<br />

6 Sutral. XVI. 13. The first char, feature is the rejection of<br />

incorrect analysis (dausprajfiya = ses rab-hchal-ba). The other 3 ditto.

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