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242 ANALYSIS OF<br />

THE <strong>ABHISAMAYALAMKARA</strong><br />

^43<br />

festation of the highest forms of devotion. Accordingly,<br />

after the function which consists in the realization of<br />

Enlightenment, we have the sixth (and last) function, viz.<br />

the place where the receptacle of the Climax of<br />

Wisdom 1 has his abode, becomes an object of worship<br />

and adoration.<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 133b, 12-15.]<br />

(H. 17d.).<br />

[Tg. MDO. VI. 143a. 4-6.] dad-pa phul-du-byun-badan-ldan-pas<br />

bsod-nams che-ha-hid yinrpahi-phyir gnasgan-du<br />

de~bzinrgsegs-pa~la~sogs-pahi thugssu-chud-paAasogs-pa<br />

skyes-pa de~ni mchod-par-bya-ba yin-no zes<br />

byan-chub-kyi byed-pahi hog-tu ses-rab-kMi-pha-rQl-tuphyin-pahi<br />

yul-la mchod-pa~nid-\yi byed~pa drug-pa. 2<br />

Limits. (The functions of the Path of Concentrated<br />

Contemplation) begin to manifest themselves from the<br />

first Stage of the Bodhisattva and last till the tenth Stage,<br />

[Don. 9a. 3-4.] sa-mtshams sa dan~pO"nas bcu-pahi<br />

har-na yod.<br />


— sgom-lam.<br />

Definition. The subsequent intuition of the Truth<br />

by the Mahayanist Saint. 3<br />

[Don. 9a. 4.] theg-chen-gyi rjes-la mnon-rtogs de<br />

theg-chen sgom-lam-gyi mtshan-nid.<br />



After the functions of the; Path of Concentrated Contemplation,<br />

the latter itself is to be made the subject of<br />

I I.e. the Buddha or the Bodhisattva.<br />

2 Pafic. II. 150a. 2~3. = Ast. 56. 9-573.— f| if%!$<br />

M 1^\M*\\q:<br />

3 This means that the monistic Absolute which is for the first<br />

time directly intuited by the Bodhisattva on the Path of Illumination<br />

is again made an object of meditation and repeatedly intuited again<br />

and again, Cf» Kar. IV. 53 and "Doctrine of Pr.-par." p. 4t<br />

discussion.—Now this Path appears in two aspects, since<br />

it consists of (two) different parts, viz. the Path which<br />

i s and the Path which i s n o t i n fluenced (by<br />

mundane elements).<br />

That which is influenced (by mundane<br />

elements) 1 in its turn appears in three aspects (which are<br />

as follows):—<br />

1. The Path of Concentrated Gontemplatiori, as<br />

the mental ,a c t i v i ,t y c'iaraic it e r i z e d<br />

by Faith.' •..-,•<br />

2. Ditto—as the mental activity characterized<br />

by the convergence (of tjhe<br />

roots of virtue into component parts of Enlightenment).<br />

3. Ditto—as the men t a 1 activi t y c h a-<br />

racterized by the fee 1 i n g of del i g h t.<br />

The Path of Concentrated Contemplation which<br />

is free from mundane 1 influen c e 3 is of<br />

two kinds which are :—<br />

1. The Path of Concentrated Contemplation which.<br />

I sasrava=: zag-bcas. It is very difficult to give here a<br />

equivalent for this term. Ace. to the Tib. Commentaries sasrava<br />

signifies here "connected with thought-construction or judgment"<br />

(kalpana), as opposed to direct; intuitive perception (pratyak 01 )' Gyaltshab<br />

enlarges upon the subject as follows :—sasrava means here<br />

connected with thought-construction, that which implies the cognition<br />

of an aspect capable of coalescing with a verbal designation<br />

(sgra don hdre-ruh hdrin-paki rtog-pa~sabda~ixf;ha>-$ainsarga*<br />

yogya-grahi-vikalpa = abhilapa-samsarga~§ogya~praiibha8ti>-pratiti; tf.<br />

Nyayabindu and tiki BB. pp. 7. 20, Transl. Prof. Th.<br />

Stcherbatsky, Buddhist Logic, {H, p. 19). It is not that sasrtwa which<br />

is a synonym of &/es« i.e. the defiling elements which are to be<br />

extirpated (span-byas bsdus-pahi zag-bcas ni ma~yin~na heyarmm*-<br />

grhitam sasravam). It is no other but the cognition at the time which<br />

follows the intense concentration of the Badhisattjva (rjes-Hhob-kyi<br />

gnas-skabs — prstha-labdha-avastha; Cf. "Doctrine of Pr.-plr." 43.).<br />

Thought-construction must necessarily exist with the Bodhisattva<br />

even on the highest Stages of the Path. If it were absent, he coulcl<br />

not deal with an object that is not directly present before the senses.<br />

(=Hog gyur-gyi don-paroksa-ariha). The latter can be only constructed<br />

by k.alpana, but can by no means be an object of perception<br />

(cf. Buddhist Logic, II. p. 44.). For this reason, thought-construction<br />

mustt necessarily exist on the bhatiana-marga, as a mundane<br />

*'defiling" (asrava) element (Rnam-bsad, 172a. 4-bl.).<br />

2 adhimulzti=mos-pa.<br />

3 anasratia — zag-med, Cf, "Doctr. 6i Pr.-j»Sr. %f p. 43.

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