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30 ANALYSIS OF<br />

constantly and inexhaustibly issues from the ground, (the<br />

Bodhisattva) can uninterruptedly expound the teaching,<br />

since he retains in memory the Doctrine which he has<br />

studied and that which he has cognized not through study,<br />

(but by his flashes of idea).—<br />

[Gser. I. 128b. 6-129a. 1.] bcu-dgn-pa tshig-don-mi<br />

brjed-par hdzin-pahi gzuns 1 dan gzan-la thogs-med-duhchad-pahi<br />

spobs-pa dan-ldan-pa-ni. bk.od~mahi~chu Itabu-ste.<br />

shar thos-pa dan ma-thos-pa thos-hgyur-gyi chos<br />

hdzin-pas mi-zad-par ston-pa-nid-fyyis.<br />

These 5 forms (15-19) relate to the different Stages of<br />

the Bodhisattva and are included in the *'Special Path."—<br />

[Gser. 1. 131a. 2-3.] mnon-ses dan-ldan-pa-sogs irMni<br />

kfiyaa-par-gyi lam-gyis-bsdus-so.<br />

20. The twentieth Creative Effort, connected with the<br />

triumph of the Doctrine, resembling an ejaculation of joy,<br />

because the converts who are desirous of attaining<br />

Salvation hear with pleasure (the aphorisms of the<br />

Doctrine, as :—All the active elements of existence are<br />

evanescent!—etc).—<br />

[Rnam-bsad 58a. 5.] 2 chos-kyi-sdombzihi dgah-ston<br />

dan-ldan-pa-ni. sgra-snan-pa dan hdra-ste. thar-pa hdod~<br />

pahi gdul-bya-la hkhor-ba-las grol-bar-byed-pahi snan-pa<br />

sgrogs-pahi-phyir.<br />

This form relates to the (ultimate,) stage of the<br />

Bodhisattva, being included in the Path of training for the<br />

entrance upon the Stage of the Buddha.—<br />

[Gser. I. 131a. 5.] ni-su-pa sa bcu tha-mahi bar-chadmed-kyis<br />

bsdus.*<br />

1 'The power of memory which retains the meaning of words<br />

without forgetting them.**<br />

2 1 have preferred this version to that of the Gser. (I. 129a. 3-5),<br />

the latter being too diffused.<br />

3 M fe included in the Unimpeded Path at the end of the 10<br />

Stages,** (i.e. the final moment of the Path. The Gser. gives also the<br />


e<br />

D*<br />

tw . ent y~ m * s£ Creative Effort, connected with<br />

the Path on which the monistic principle is fully realized.<br />

It resembles the current of a river, since, owing to the<br />

cognition of the ultimate identity of subject and object,<br />

and by manifesting commiseration, wisdom, and skill, one<br />

can work for the weal of others without making any<br />

distinctions and uninterruptedly, like the course of a<br />

stream.—<br />

[Gser. I. 129b. 1-2.] ner-gcig-pa bgrod-pa-gcig-pahi<br />

lam dah-ldan-pa-ni. chu-bohi rgyun lta-bu-ste. ses-pa dan<br />

ses~bya mnam-pa-md-du rtogs~pas shih-rje dan ses-rabkyis<br />

ran-gi-hah-gis hjug-cih rgyun-mi~hchad~par gzan~gyidon-gyi<br />

bya-ba iha-mi-dad-paste ris-su ma-chad-par hjugpa-md-feyis.<br />

This form relates to the Stage of the Buddha t to the<br />

cardinal state of intense concentration.—<br />

22. The twenty-second Creative Effort is connected<br />

with the Cosmical Body of the Buddha. It resembles a<br />

great cloud, since all the purposive acts of the living beings<br />

depend on it (as the harvest on the rain-clouds), as far<br />

as the Buddha manifests himself (for the benefit of the<br />

converts) in his Apparitional Body, etc., as residing in<br />

the abode of Tusita and the \ilke 1 This form likewise is<br />

included in the Stage of the Buddha and refers to the<br />

state after the concentrated trance. This state is characterized<br />

by pure mundane wisdom, that which is accessible<br />

to the constructive thoughts of the converts, as far as<br />

the latter perceive the apparitions of the Buddha (in this<br />

world), etc. These apparitions manifest themselves owing<br />

to the power of the true Buddha who is not liable to constructive<br />

thought.—<br />

[Gser. I. 129b. 5-6.] ner-gnis-pa ch.os~h.yi $k.u dart<br />

Idan-pa-ni. sprin lta-bu-ste. dgah~ldan-gyi gnas-na bzugsversion<br />

of Haribhadra—hdi-ni byan-chub~sems~dpahi sa dan-hbrel~bh<br />

sans-rgyas-kyi sa-la hjug-pahi lam-gyis bsdus-so.<br />

1 Compare Uttaratantra, chapters II and IV. (Translation,<br />

pp. 247, 253, 257, 279, 280 etc.).

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