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94J *'• ANALYSIS OF<br />

is * such, that the effect (i.e. the Creative Effort and the<br />

Path of Training) is indicated first and after it its cause;<br />

There is no mistake in this.<br />

' [Abhis. aloka, MS. 59b. 1-11.1 1<br />

Limits.* The Element of the Lineage manifests<br />

itself in general from the time of (the Bodhisattva's entering)<br />

the Path of Accumulating Merit. In its actual form,<br />

however (that which is discussed here), it manifests itself<br />

from (the time of entering) the Degree of Heat (of the<br />

Path of Training). It lasts till the end of the Process of<br />

Illumination,<br />

[Don. 5b. 6.] sa-mtshams spyir theg-chen tshogs-lamrias<br />

rgyun-mihahi bar dan dnos-bstan drod-nas rgyun*<br />

ipthahi bar-du yod.<br />

#1<br />


The Object or Sphere of the Mahayanistic Activity.<br />

hi dmigs-pa.<br />

Kar. I. 40, 41,—(5).<br />

[I. Definition acc» to Don, 2. The ,11 varieties ace. to the<br />

Abhis. aloka and the SpLut. 3. Refutation of the point of view<br />

of the Vijnanavadins.] •••••.-<br />

1. Definition: The object of cognition during<br />

the process of Mahayanistic Illmuination.—<br />

[Don. 6a. 2.] theg-chen sgrub-pahi ses~par-bya~ba<br />

de theg-chen sgrub-pahi dmigs-pahi mtshan-fiid,<br />

2. Varieties: After the foundation (of the<br />

Path has been communicated, there necessarily arises the<br />

following question):—What is the object (or the sphere of<br />

action) of the Bodhisattva who is endowed with such a<br />

foundation for his activity, as has just been described <br />

This object is as follows:—<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 59b. 11-13.]<br />

• * T f 1 - .*. • " • • • ; . :<br />

[Sphut. 21a. l.J ji~skad-bsad~pahi sgrub-pahi rten~<br />

gyi dmigs-pa gan~yin ze-na.<br />

(1-3) First of all, in general, (the Bodhisattva directs<br />

his mind upon) all the elements of existence and classifies<br />

them into 3 categories, viz. the good, the bad<br />

and the neutral, such as asceticism, the taking<br />

away of life, and corporeal actions of an indeterminate<br />

character, respectively, and contemplates them as points<br />

to be accepted, rejected, or left without attention.<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 59b. l6-60a. 4.]<br />

[Sphut. 21a. 3-4.] re-zig daft por spyir dge-ba dan<br />

mi-dge-ba dan luh-du-ma-b&tan-pa-ste go^rims-bzin-du<br />

dge-sbyoh-gi tshuhnid dan srog-gcod-pa-larsogs-pa dan<br />

lun~du~ma-bstan-pahilus-liyi las~la~sogs~paho.<br />

Thereafter, having directed his mind upon those<br />

elements which are to be accepted, he takes into consideration<br />

(4) the.mundane elements, the<br />

5 groups constituting the personality of the ordinary<br />

worldly being 1 and (5) the transcendental<br />

1 'The order of the Minaev MS. is inverted.<br />

1 panca-upadana-skandhah are here synonymous with prthag*<br />

jana as opposed to arya.

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