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360 ANALYSIS OF<br />

([Rnam-bsad, 224b. 3.] nan-pa-po mi-brjed-pahi<br />

gzuns thob-pa dan. cig-sos ma-thob-pa-dag . l<br />

13. The fact of t h e p u p i l*s b e i n g d e s i r -<br />

o u s of s t u d y i n g t h e P r a j n a-p a r a m i t a,<br />

of c o p y i n g t h e s a c r e d t e x t s etc., whereas<br />

t h e t e a c h e r i s a v e r se to this. (33).<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 239a. 12-13.]<br />

[Rnam-bsad 224b. 3.] nan-pa-po yum yi-ger hdri<br />

L<br />

hdod-pa dan cig-sos yi-ger hdri mihdod-pa-dagf<br />

14. The fact of the pupils being free<br />

from the obscuration caused by<br />

desires and the other five forms of obscuration, 3<br />

while the teacher is not free from<br />

them. (34).<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 239a. 13. ] f<br />

[Rnam-bsad, 224b. 3-4.] nan-pa-po hdod-pahi hdunpa-sogs<br />

sgrib-pa lha dan-bral-ba dan, cig-sos de dan-mabJbid^<br />

1 Pane, III. 45a. 3-6.—Rab-hbyor gzan-yan chos-$mra-ba~ni<br />

gzuns thobpar-gyur-la. chos-nan-pa-ni gzuns ma~thob-na,,,chos-nanpq-ni<br />

gzuns thob-par-gyur-la etc.—Again, G Subhuti, there may be<br />

the case when the expounder of the Doctrine has<br />

secured the power of memory, but the hearer<br />

of the Doctrine (on the contrary) does not possess<br />

it....<br />

2 Pane. III. 45a. 6b~2.—Rab-hbyor gzan-yan chos-smra-ba-ni hbrihar~hdod.<br />

k} a g~P ar "hd°d...chos-nan-pa~ni bri-bar mi-hdod, kJog-par<br />

mi-hdod...chos-nan-pa-ni bri-bar hdod. mnan-pahi bar-du hdod-la.<br />

chos-smra-ba-ni bri-bar-mi-hdod.—Again, O Subhuti, there may be<br />

the case when t h e e x p o u n d e r of t h e D o c t r i n e<br />

w i s h e s to w r i t e a n d to r e a d , but t h e h e a r e r is<br />

a v e r s e , etc. (follows the reverse case).<br />

3 I.e. i 1 1-w i 1 1 (t)yapada = gnod-sems), d r o w s i n e s s<br />

(middha—.gnid) t t o r p o r (styana = rmugs-pa) t a r r o g a n c e<br />

(auddhatya = rgod-pa), and r e g r e t (kaukriy^~bgyod-pa).<br />

4 Pane. III. 45b. 2-7.—Rab-hbyor gzan-yan chos-smra-ba-ni<br />

hdod-pahi sred dan-bral. gnod-sems dan snom-pa dan gnid-dan<br />

hgyqd-pa dan bral. the-tshom dan-bral-la. chos-nan-pa-ni hdod-pahi<br />

sred-pa dan-boas, etc.—Moreover, O Subhuti, t h e e x p o u n d e r<br />

o f t h e D o c t r i n e m a y b e f r e e f r o m d e s i r e s ,<br />

f r o m i 11-w i l l , i n d o l e n c e , d r o w s i n e s s a n d<br />

r e g r e t , a n d f r e e f r o m d o u b t , whereas t h e<br />

h e a r e r o f t h e D o c l r i n e i s p o s s e s s e d o f<br />

d e s i r e s , etc.<br />

THE <strong>ABHISAMAYALAMKARA</strong> 361<br />

15. The aversion from sinking into<br />

evil states of existence for the sake of<br />

other living beings, this in hearing from others about the<br />

sufferings of Hell and the like. (35).<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 239b. 3.] %<br />

[Rnam-bsad, 224b. 4-5.] dmyal-ba4a-sogs-pahi mibsnags-pa<br />

thos-pas gzan-don-du nan-son-gi hgro-ba-la yid<br />

phyh-phyogs-pa, 1<br />

16. The egoistic desire oif obtaining<br />

a blissful existence, this in hearing<br />

from others the praise of the happy life of the gods<br />

etc. (36).<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 239b. 10.] fiTf^<br />

[Rnam-bsad, 224b. 5.] Iha-la-sogs-pahi bshags-pa<br />

thogs-pas de-la sred tin bde-hgror hgro-ba-la yid-bdeba*<br />

17. T h e teacher's d e s i r e of solitude,<br />

while the pupil on the c o n t r a r y is f o»Wn d<br />

of b e i n g e n t e r t a i n e d by a great circle<br />

(of friends, and the reverse). (37).<br />

[Abhis. aloka. MS. 240a. 4-5.]<br />

[Rnam-bsad, 224b. 6.= 225a. 1.] hchad-pd-po gcigpu-la<br />

dgah-ba dan. nan-pa-po hfihor-la mhon-par-dgah"'<br />

ba-nid-l^jyis hams-pa. z<br />

18. T h e ! t e a c h e r's d e s i r e o f a s s o c i a -<br />

t i o n w i t h t h e p u p i l , whereas t h e l a t t e r<br />

d o e s n o t p r e s e n t a n y o p p o r t u n i t y f o r<br />

t h i s . (38).<br />

1 Ibid. 45b. 7—46a. 4.— sems-can dmyal-bahi mi-snan pabrjod.<br />

byol-son-gis feegnas-pa dan. gsin-rjchi hjig-rten dan. yidbogs-kyi<br />

yul-gyi mi-mfian-pa brjod etc. Ast. 245. 17-20. s

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