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328 ANALYSIS OF<br />

The virtues which characterize the converts who are<br />

worthy of studying (the Doctrine of Prajiia-paramita), of<br />

understanding the meaning of the words, of retaining it<br />

in memory and of duly meditating over it are, respectively—the<br />

adoration of numerous Buddhas by acts of<br />

devotion, 1 the habit of asking questions concerning the<br />

essence (of the Doctrine) whenever there are dubious<br />

points to be settled, the fostering of the roots of virtue<br />

by bringing to full accomplishment the practice of the<br />

ten Transcendental Virtues, and the blessings of the<br />

spiritual teachers (with which such persons are endowed).<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 220b. 11-16.]<br />

i<br />

rf^^<br />

[Sphut. 50b. 3-6.] hdAs'pa dan da-ttar-byun-bahi / A.<br />

sahs-rgyas-rnams-la spyir age-bahi rtsa-ba bsk.run cih<br />

sbyahs-pa dan. de-bzin-gsegs-pa^rnams-la lus-la-sogs-pahi<br />

b$nen~bkitr~gyis mnes-par-byas-pa dan. the-tshom-gyi don<br />

yons-su-hdri-ba dan. sbyin-pa-la-sogs-pahi pha-rol-tu~<br />

phyin-pa-bcu sgtub-pa dah-ldan-pa. dge-bahi bses-gnendag-gis<br />

byin-gyis brlabs-pa-rnams-ni. go-rim-ji-ltar-b at<br />

rnam-pahi mtshan-nid-can-gyi yum hdihi gzuh nan-pa<br />

dan. hc&zin-pa dan. don mi-brjed-pa dan. tshul-bzin yidla-byed-pahi<br />

snod~nid yin-par sans-rgyal-la-sogspa bzed-<br />

Jo. 2<br />

rigs-kyi bu-mo gcen gi rna-larn-du. etc. = Ast. 208. 2-5.—<br />

1 Lit. "corporeal devotion."<br />

2 Pane. III. 8b. 7-9a. 1—gan hdzin cm hchan-ba dan. kf°g cin<br />

\un-chub~pm-byed~pa dan. tshul-bzin-dtt yid~la-byed cin gzun-ba<br />

dan. \un-chub~pdr-bya$-nas-\yan de-bzin-nid-du ses-rab-kyi pha-roltu-phyin~pa~la<br />

nan-tan~du~byed-pa Ita-ci smos-fe. rigs-fyyi buham rigskyi<br />

bu-mo...de-dag-gis snon-de-bzin-gsegs-pa dgra-bcom-pa yan-dagpar-rdzogs-pahi<br />

sans-rgyas-mams-la yons-dris-so,..de~dag-gis ni bskfllpa<br />

bye-ba mah-por sbyin-pahi pha~rol~tu-phyin-pa-la spyod-do, tshuL<br />

khrims dan bzod-pa dan brtson-hgrus dan bsati-gtan dan<br />

pha-rol~tu-phyin-pa-la spyod-do. Ast. 208. 5 sqq.<br />

THE <strong>ABHISAMAYALAMKARA</strong> 329<br />


Definitions of the term prayoga: (a) actual,<br />

referring to this case:—<br />

Mental Quiescence connected with transcendental<br />

analysis 1 which brings about the cognition of the separate<br />

unreality of subject and object, and moreover of the<br />

objects of the Empirical world, of the elements constituting<br />

the Path, and of the aspects of the Omniscience of<br />

the Buddha.<br />

[Don. 14a. 5.] yul yul-can dan gzi lam mam gsum<br />

bden-ston-du rtogs-pahi zi-lhag zufi-hbrel de. dhos-bstan<br />

gtso-bohi sbyor-bahi mtshan-nid.<br />

(b) as a special characteristic of<br />

the:.training demonstrated here :—<br />

The yoga of the Bodhisattva which is dominated by<br />

high wisdom and characterized by the attainment of<br />

mental Quiescence connected with transcendental<br />

analysis, this being indispensable for the intuition of all<br />

the aspects of the three kinds of Omniscience.<br />

[Ibid. 14a. 6.] mkhyen gsum-gyi mam-pay'-sned~pala<br />

zi-thag zuh-hbrel ihob-pahi ses-rab-kyis zin-pahi semsdpahi<br />

rnal-hbyor-de. hdir-bstan sbyor-bahi mtshan-nid<br />

byas-na legs-te.<br />

Varieties : Are t w e n t y in number, as follows : —<br />

(a) F i v e f o r m s w i t h r e s p e c t to t h e<br />

essence of training no bohi sgo-nas Ifia.<br />

1. The Method of non-insistence<br />

upon the reality of Matter and the<br />

other elements of existence, within the<br />

pale of the Empirical World, of the Path and of the aspects<br />

of the Omniscience of the Buddha.<br />

Art insistence upon (the reality of) Matter and the<br />

other elements is condemned, inasmuch as the said<br />

elements have no real essence of their own. In such a<br />

sense we have to understand 'the Method! of Noninsistence/"<br />

(1).<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 222a. 5-9.] fmIW^'4FTSI#T [:] I<br />

(IV. 8a.).<br />

1 iamatha anfJ vtpasyana. , Cf, "Doctrine of Pr.-par.*' pp. 16, 68.

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