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188 ANALYSIS OF<br />


W<br />

4. The Issue in (the activity) free<br />

from effort.. If there remains the necessity of<br />

using effort in one's acts, one cannot bring about<br />

the fulfilment of the weal of all living beings without<br />

exception. Therefore, immediately after, we have the<br />

miraculous activity which is perfectly free from effort.<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 81a. 16~b !.]<br />

(I. 72c).<br />

|Tg. MDO, VI. 80a. 2-3J hbad-pa yod-na sems-cangyi-don<br />

ma-tshah-ba-med-ba rdzogs-par-mi-hgyur-bas.<br />

dehi hog-tu Ihun-gyis-grub-pahi nes-pctir-hbyun-ba. 1<br />

5. X I* e Issue in the liberation<br />

from the two limits. Without attaining the<br />

state in which one is completely free from the limitations<br />

(or the extremities) of Etemalism and of Complete Annihilation<br />

(or otherwise, the limitations of the Phenomenal<br />

World and of Hfnayanistic Nirvana), 2 the Issue in the<br />

activity free from effort is impossible. Therefore we<br />

have next the Issue in the Absolute, Illimited (Nirvana). *<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 81b. 4-6.]<br />

iWraf (I. 72c).<br />

Great Vehicle there is room for them (i.e. ,they all<br />

can be conduced to Salvation through the activity of the Mahayanist<br />

Saint).<br />

1 Pane. I. 267a. 3-4.—bcom-ldan-hdas hdi-lta-ste. dper-na namtnkhah-la<br />

hgro-baham hon-ba zes-bgyi-ba yan ma-mchis-la gnas-pa<br />

yan ma-mchis etc. =Dutt, 239, 12-14 etc.—Ast. 24. 10-11.— -<br />

As, in space, there is no motion hither and thither, and no stability,<br />

in the same manner this is (to be said of) the (activity of) the<br />

Mahayanist (who acts without motion etc.).<br />

2 Rnam-bsad, 142b. 5-6.—srid-zihi mthah spans-pas. The<br />

Hinayahistic Nirvlna is regarded as the mere annihilation of the<br />

elements of the Phenomenal World (uccheda-nirt)ana — chad-pahi<br />

myan-hdas). Cf. Uttaratantra, Transl. p. 145.<br />

3 I.e. the apraiisfhita~nirvuna = mi~gnas-pahi myanhdas, Gser.<br />

I. 363a. 5-6.-—mthah-hdas mi-gnas-pahi myan-hdas ( — atyantaapratisthiia-nirvana).<br />

One of the characteristic' features of this kind<br />

of Nirvana is this power of acting without effort for the sake of all<br />

living beings.<br />

(Tg. MDO. VI. 80a. 5-6] rtag-pa dan chad-pa danbral-bahi<br />

gnas-skabs rtogs-pa-med-par hbad-pa-med-par<br />

hes-par-hbyuh-bar mi-hgyur-bas. dehi hog-tu mthah-lashdas-pahi<br />

he&-par-hbyuh~ba. 1<br />

6. The Issue in the attainment (of<br />

all the degrees of perfection of the Mahayanist Saint),<br />

Now, the Issue in the Illimited (Nirvana) is impossible<br />

without the attainment of the state which is characterized<br />

by the full realization of the virtuous properties peculiar<br />

to (the Paths of) all the three Vehicles. We have, therefore,<br />

immediately after, the Issue consisting in the full<br />

acquisition (of the said properties).<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 81b. 14-16.]<br />

(i. 72d).<br />

[Tg. MDO. VI. 80b. 3-4.] mthah-las-hdas-pahi neapar-hbyuh-ba<br />

yon iheg~pa-gsum~po sosohi khyad~pargyi<br />

gnasskabs thob-pa-med-par rdzogs-par mi-hgyur~<br />

has dehi hog-tu thob-par hes-par-hbyuh-ba^<br />

7. The Issue in the Omniscience<br />

of the Buddha. Without the realization of the<br />

Omniscience in regard of all the aspects of existence<br />

(which is peculiar to the Buddha alone), the Issue consisting<br />

in the acquisition of all saintly properties is<br />

not possible. Accordingly, there is next the Issue in the<br />

(special) Omniscience of the Buddha.<br />

1 Pane. I. 267a. 4-5.—bcorn Idan-hdas hdi4ta-ste, dper-na nam~<br />

tnkhah ni dus gsum mnam-pa-nid~liyi~slad-du snon-gyi mthah midmigs.<br />

phyi-mahi mthah mi-dmigs dbus mi-dmigs etc. =Dutt t 240,<br />

4-5 etc.—Ast. 24, 11-12.—^JJ^J ^ i ^ mFTFFFT if ffRf OTsT<br />

P2T% rr^^Fcf 3«M*3i iTTfqr W-^ ^tf^FRi I—O Lord, just as,<br />

with respect to space, the present, past and future, being equal, no<br />

initial limit, no final limit, and no middle can be perceived, in the<br />

same manner, with this Great Vehicle, there is no initial limit, no<br />

final limit and no middle.—<br />

2 Pane. II. 16b. l.=Dutt, 242, 13-22 etc.—Ast. 24. 16-17.—<br />

j" I Having received the training in this Grefit Vehicle,<br />

the Bodhisattvas, the Mahasattvas have attained Omniscience, will<br />

attain it in future and are attaining it (at present). The Omniscience<br />

mentioned here includes the forms of intuition peculiar to the Saints<br />

of all the three Vehicles.

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