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3/*<br />

9. The- fact of being bereft of the<br />

mastery over theHighest of Vehicles,<br />

inasmuch as one strives to attain the Omniscience of<br />

the Buddha with the help of Hinayanistic scripture. (9).<br />

352 ANALYSIS OF THE <strong>ABHISAMAYALAMKARA</strong> 353-<br />

[Abhis, aloka, MS. 236a. 1-2.]<br />

1 3rPPTnWtprV[:] I<br />

[Rnam-bsad, 223b. 5.] dman-pahi sde-snod4as<br />

mam-mkhyen tshol-ba rnam-pa-thams-cad-dtt theg-pahi<br />

mchog yum k.un-tu-hdzin-pa nams-pa. 2<br />

10. Deviation for ever from the<br />

Ultimate Ai m, by seeking to attain Omniscience<br />

with the help of Hinayanistic Scripture, having abandoned<br />

the Doctrine of Prajfia-paramita acquired<br />

before, (10),<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 236a, 5.] €fW^[:] \<br />

fRnam-bsad, 223b. 5.] yum med~pa dor-r^as drnanpahi<br />

sde~snod-las rnam-mkhy§\n tshol-ba rtag-tu ched-du<br />

bym-ba hams-pa. s<br />

/11 # Absence of connection between<br />

cause and effect (i.e. the desire attaining<br />

Omniscience and the latter itself respectively), if one<br />

apprehends only the meaning of Hinayanistic Scripture<br />

(11).<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 236b. 6.] t3W€^W%[:] I<br />

[Rnam-bsad, 223b. 6.] dman-pahi 'sde-snod-kyi dontsam<br />

nams-su-blans-pas rnam-mkhyen thob-par-hdod-pG<br />

rgyu dan hbras-bw hphrel-pa nams-pa. 4<br />

12. The fact of b e c o m i n g d e p r i v e d<br />

of the o p p o r t u n i t y of attaining the<br />

forms of existence higher, than which<br />

there are none, viz. the three Bodies of the<br />

Buddha,—this by forsaking the Doctrine of Prajna-<br />

paramita and striving to attain Omniscience with the help<br />

of Hinayanistic Scripture*. (12).<br />

[Abhis. aloka. MS. 237a. 2-3.]<br />

[Rnam-bsad, 223b. 6.] theg-chen-gyi sde-snod-dan<br />

de gnis hdra-bar hdzin pa 1 goh-na-med-pa sk;a~gsum-gyi<br />

rgyu-las hams-pa, 2<br />

13. Flashes of idea and distracted<br />

thoughts directed towards a great<br />

number of various objects, viz. the objects<br />

of sensual pleasure, colours, sounds, etc. (13).<br />

[Abhis. aloka. MS. 237a. 13-14,]<br />

[Rnam-bsad, 224a. 1.] gzugs sgra-la~sogs-pa\ hdodyon<br />

B -gyi yul mam-pa man-po4a rnam-par-rtog-pahi<br />

sbobs-pa hbyuh-ba. 4<br />

14. The consideration of the mere<br />

act of copying (the sacred texts) as being the<br />

fulfilment of the Document of the Climax of Wisdom.—(14).<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 237b. 1.]<br />

1 The consideration of the Mahayanistic Code and of this (i.e.<br />

the Hmayanistic) Scripture as being of equal value.<br />

2 Pane. III. 38b. 1—39b. 2.=Ast. 237. 15. sqq.~<br />

(Raj. has ^E^cfTOt sic!)<br />

Cf. Samcaya 37a. 2—b. 1.<br />

etc.<br />

f<br />

Ibid. 239. 1. sqq.<br />

etc.<br />

1 Sic. ace. to Tib. q. v. MS :<br />

2 Pane III. 37b. 3-5. = Ast. 235. 5-8.<br />

Cf. Samcaya, 37a. 1-2—<br />

3 Pane. III. 37b. 5—38a. 1. = Ast 235. 15-19. sqq<br />

4 Pane. III. 38a. 1-8.=Ast. 236. 19-22. sqq.<br />

etc "<br />

*\TQ<br />

Just as a person who has obtained food of a hundred different tastes,<br />

subsequently gets food only of 60 tastes, similarly the Bodhisattva,<br />

having secured the Prajna-paramita, seeks for Enlightenment on the<br />

foundation of a Hinayanistic Arhat,<br />

3 -Kama-gun®.<br />

4 Pane. III. 39b. 2-4.—Rab~hby&r gzan-yan rigs-foji bu dan rigskyi-butno<br />

de-dag ser-phyin zab-mo hdi-hdri-bahi tshe. Spobs-pa manpj<br />

gah-gis ser-phyin zab-mo hdi-hdri-bahi dk.rugs~mar-hgyur-ba de-<br />

Ha-bu skye-bar-hgyur~ba. =Ast. 240. 8-14.—(ends)

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