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THE <strong>ABHISAMAYALAMKARA</strong> 127<br />

The Accumulation of Transcendental<br />

Wisdom.<br />


12. (The Bodhisattva) who perfectly knows how to manifest<br />

his skill in the means of action, becomes (subsequently)<br />

trained in the Highest Transcendental Wisdom. We have next,<br />

accordingly, the Accumulation of Transcendental<br />

Wisdom. (This Accumulation) is known to<br />

be of 20 kinds in correspondence with (the cognition of) the<br />

Internal Relativity and the other (19 aspects).—<br />

[Abhis. aloka. MS: 70b. 4-6.]<br />

far- i<br />

(47a.).<br />

[Tg.. MDO. VI. 69a. 8-b. 1.] thabs4a~mkhas-pahi<br />

tshogs ses-pa-ni ye-ses-la slob-pa-yin-pas ye-ses-k"$i tshogs-so.<br />

de pan nan-ston-pa-nid-la-sogs-pahi dbye-bas mam-pa-ni-sur<br />

ses-par-byaho.<br />

The 20 aspects of Relativity are as follows: —<br />

I. The Subjective Relativity. We<br />

have this aspect in consideration of the dialectical nature 2 of<br />

the faculty of vision and the remaining internal faculties.—<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 70b. 6-8]<br />

[Tg. MDO. VI. 69b. 1-2,] de-la-stoh-pa-nid rnam-pani-su-ni<br />

hdi \in te. hdi-ltaste. nah-gi dhos-po 1 mig-la-sogs-<br />

1 IHQ. Vol. IX, part I. The rendering of sunyata by 'Relativity*<br />

is the only one which can be adopted, if we take the term<br />

from the standpoint of the Madhyamikas to whom Haribhadra<br />

belongs. The correctness of this rendering has been clearly demonstrated<br />

by Prof. Th. Stcherbatsky in his "Conception of Buddhist<br />

Nirvana." We- have innumerable quotations which prove that the<br />

meaning of sunyata ace. to the Madhyamikas is Relativity. Among<br />

the most pregnant passages we have the sloka (22) of the Lokatitastava<br />

quoted above—U a h pratityasamutpadah sunyata saiva te mata.<br />

bhavah svatantro nastiti simhanadas tava'tulah. Cf. also below,<br />

under sarva-dharma-sunyata.<br />

2 Lit. Th© nature (of the internal elements) which is that of<br />

being neither eternal nor evanescent (in the ultimate sense). Cf. Paiic.<br />

quoted below.<br />

3 = adhyatmikanam bhavanam or vastunam.<br />

pa-rnams-k$i ran-bzin iher-zug-tu-gnas-pa dan hjig-pa-ma-yinpahi-phyir<br />

nah-stoh-pa-nid-do. 1<br />

II. The Objective Relativity. We<br />

have this aspect, considering just the same nature of the external<br />

elements, as visible matter, and the rest.<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 70b. 8-9.]<br />

[Tg. MDO. VI. 69b. 2.] phyihi gzugs-la-sogs-pamams-fypi<br />

ran-bzin de-tta-bu-yin-pahi-phyir phyi-ston-pa-rHd"<br />

do. 2 III. The Re lativity of both-the Subjective<br />

and Objective. We have this aspect,<br />

considering jqst the same nature of the external and internal<br />

bases of cognition. Here the internal bases are constituted by<br />

the elements which have the character of sense-faculties. The<br />

external are constituted by the elements which have the<br />

character of the objects (that correspond to the sense-faculties).<br />

As regards the physical foundations of the sense-faculties, 3<br />

they are internal elements, inasmuch as they are governed by the<br />

mind, and external, inasmuch as they are not included<br />

in the category of the sense-faculties as such.—(The cognition<br />

of) these first 3 aspects of Relativity is associated with the<br />

Stage of Action in Faith. 4<br />

1 Pane. I 213b. 5-6.—de-la nah-stoh-pa-fiid gan zena. nan-gi<br />

chos zes-bya-ba~ni rnig dan. rna-ba dan. sna dan. Ice dan lus dan<br />

yid-de (cat^suh. sroiram ghranam jihva \ayo manas ca). de-la mi-rtag<br />

rni-hjig-pahi-phyir (anitya-avinasitvat) mig mig-gis sfon-rio de<br />

cihi-phyir £e-na. dehi ran-bzin de-yin-pahi-phyir te. hdi-ni nan-stonpa-nid-do.=Diitt<br />

t 195. 12-16.—Of what kind i s the Internal (Subjective)<br />

Relativity—The elements which we call 'internal* are (the<br />

faculties of) vision, auditions, the olfactory, gustatory, tactile, and<br />

that of the intellect. Now, as it is neither eternal, nor evanescent,<br />

the faculty of vision is relative (devoid of a real essence of its own)y<br />

etc. (Similar indications with regard to the other sense-faculties).—<br />

Why that Because this is their essential n atur e.—<br />

This is the Internal (Subjective) Relativity.<br />

2 Ibid. 213b. 6-7. = Dult, 195. 1720..—(The same repeated in<br />

regard to the External Relativity—rupadinam).<br />

3 Sic. ace. to Gser. I. 307a. 2.—phyi-nan gnis dban-pohi rtetigyis<br />

bsdus pahi yul Ina.<br />

4 Sic. ace. to Haribhadra. In the Gser. and the Rnam-bsad we<br />

have the indication that these first 3 varieties also refer already to<br />


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