Islamic Political Identity in Turkey

Islamic Political Identity in Turkey

Islamic Political Identity in Turkey


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the role of literacy and the media <strong>in</strong> the islamic movement 115statist views, because Ottoman history was written as the story of the state ratherthan of the society. This new Muslim <strong>in</strong>tellectual elite created a new languagethat merged <strong>Islamic</strong> esoteric traditions of <strong>in</strong>ner dimensionality with the outwardmodern idiom of <strong>in</strong>dividuality. In other words, their conceptions of society andself have at the same time modern and traditional impr<strong>in</strong>ts. This new phenomenonof a Turkish urban <strong>Islamic</strong> <strong>in</strong>telligentsia evok<strong>in</strong>g communal idioms witha decidedly modern twist to address social, political, and cultural concerns ofTurkish society demonstrates the likely course to be taken by modern <strong>Islamic</strong>revivalist th<strong>in</strong>kers <strong>in</strong> general around the globe.One of the major implications of this historicization (Ottomanization) ofIslam has been the nationalization of Islam and the emergence of Turkish Islamas the basis for right-w<strong>in</strong>g groups that sought to revive the suppressed collectivememory of the Ottoman-<strong>Islamic</strong> past and Wll the exist<strong>in</strong>g ethical void <strong>in</strong>society. They reimag<strong>in</strong>ed their own tradition by adopt<strong>in</strong>g and modify<strong>in</strong>g someKemalist terms and concepts to modern discourses of nationalism. Therefore, theWrst generation Turkish Muslim <strong>in</strong>tellectuals consciously promoted an <strong>Islamic</strong>discourse that <strong>in</strong>corporated and domesticated the Turkish nationalism of theRepublican <strong>in</strong>telligentsia <strong>in</strong>to its own project of synthesiz<strong>in</strong>g the Ottoman-<strong>Islamic</strong>past with the modern Turkish present. These <strong>in</strong>tellectuals did not create a separateand autonomous communal religious identity but rather reproduced anethnoreligious Turkish <strong>Islamic</strong> identity.Nurett<strong>in</strong> Topçu, the founder of Hareket Dergisi (1939–1974), who was heavily<strong>in</strong>Xuenced by the French philosopher Maurice Blondel and by the Nak7ibendisheik Abdülaziz Bekk<strong>in</strong>e, sought to construct Turkish-<strong>Islamic</strong> nationalism. 33Because it utilized new opportunity spaces <strong>in</strong> media and the expand<strong>in</strong>g educationalsystem <strong>in</strong> <strong>Turkey</strong>, Topçu’s magaz<strong>in</strong>e became the center of a new <strong>Islamic</strong>and Anatolian Turkish identity movement. Topçu defended the Nak7ibendiconception of the self and community by utiliz<strong>in</strong>g the ideas of French philosopherssuch as Blondel and Henri Bergson. Topçu’s understand<strong>in</strong>g of religion<strong>in</strong>formed his ideas of self, community, and nationalism. 34 Religion, for Topçu,is a faith <strong>in</strong> God that is formed with<strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>ner self, a psychological experienceand realization of God with<strong>in</strong> oneself. This faith is manifested and articulated<strong>in</strong> human conduct as ethics. Thus, religious ideas and experience form ethics,and this ethics, <strong>in</strong> turn, <strong>in</strong>forms social order <strong>in</strong> community. He treats Islam asa religion of <strong>in</strong>ner self and criticizes its politicization by religious groups orutilization by the state. However, Topçu supports the role of religious scholars<strong>in</strong> the formation of public policy and believes that religion must stay outsideand above state policy. His ma<strong>in</strong> concern is the <strong>in</strong>ner mobilization of theAnatolian population through “build<strong>in</strong>g their core center as spirituality” to overcomealienation created by the Kemalist form of top-down modernization. Inshort, Islam, for Topçu, is Wrst a source of ethics, this ethics is the source ofidentity, and this identity forms its own authentic civilization: social <strong>in</strong>stitutionsand practices.Topçu oVered the Wrst comprehensive critique of positivism and the dom<strong>in</strong>antform of structuralist/functionalist explanations that denied any role forhuman agency <strong>in</strong> the constitution of society and social events. Topçu, unlike

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