Islamic Political Identity in Turkey

Islamic Political Identity in Turkey

Islamic Political Identity in Turkey


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notes to pages 41–47 28316. 8lber Ortaylì, 8mparatorlu;un En Uzun Yüzyìlì (Istanbul: Hil Yayìnlarì,1983), 170–73.17. Tanpìnar, 19’uncu Asìr.18. Bernard Lewis, “Watan,” Journal of Contemporary History 26 (1991):526–33.19. 6erif Mard<strong>in</strong>, “Modernization of Social Communication,” <strong>in</strong> Propagandaand Communication <strong>in</strong> World History, ed. Harold D. Laswell, Daniel Lerner, andHans Speier (Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1979), 381–443.20. Mim Kemal Öke, “‘6ark Meselesi’ ve II. Abdülhamid’<strong>in</strong> Garp Politikalarì(1876–1909),” Osmanlì Ara7tìrmalarì Dergisi 3 (1982): 266.21. Mujeeb R. Khan, “External Threats and the Promotion of a Trans-National<strong>Islamic</strong> Consciousness: The Case of the Late Ottoman Empire and Contemporary<strong>Turkey</strong>,” <strong>Islamic</strong> World Review 1, 3 (1996): 115–28.22. See James Tilio Maccaferri, “Ottoman Foreign Policy and the BritishOccupation of Egypt: The Hasan Fehmi Pasha Mission of 1885” (Ph.D. diss.,University of California, Los Angeles, 1983), 1–25.23. See M. Hakan Yavuz, “Islam and Nationalism: Yusuf Akçura and Üç Tarz-ìSiyaset,” Oxford Journal of <strong>Islamic</strong> Studies 4, 2 (July 1993): 175–207.24. B. Abu-Maneh, “Sultan Abdülhamid II and Shaikh Abdulhuda Al-Sayyadi,”Middle Eastern Studies 15 (1979): 139.25. See H. A. R. Gibb, “LutW Pasa on the Ottoman Caliphate,” Oriens 15 (1962):287–95, and “Some Considerations on the Sunni Theory of the Caliphate,” <strong>in</strong> Studieson the Civilization of Islam, ed. Stanford J. Shaw and William R. Polk (Boston:Beacon, 1962), 141–50; and Halil 8nalcìk, “<strong>Islamic</strong> Caliphate, <strong>Turkey</strong> and Muslims <strong>in</strong>India,” <strong>in</strong> Shari‘ah, Ummah and Khilafah, ed. Yusuf Abbas Hashmi (Karachi:University of Karachi, 1987), 14–34.26. For more on education policies <strong>in</strong> this period, see Stanford J. Shaw andEzel Kural Shaw, History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern <strong>Turkey</strong> (New York:Cambridge University Press, 1977), 112–13.27. Kazìm Karabekir, Orhan Hülagü, Ömer Hakan Özalp, Türkiye’de ve TürkOrdusunda Almanlar (Istanbul: Emre, 2001); Colmar von der Goltz, The Nation <strong>in</strong>Arms (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1914).28. D. A. Rustow, “Politics and Islam <strong>in</strong> <strong>Turkey</strong> 1920–1955,” <strong>in</strong> Islam and theWest, ed. R. N. Frye (The Hague: Mouton, 1957), 73.29. Cevat Dursuno;lu, Milli Mücadelede Erzurum (Ankara: Ziraat BankasìMatbaasì, 1946), 151–52.30. M. Kemal, “Mutarekeden meclis<strong>in</strong> acìlì7ìna kadar gecen olaylar,” <strong>in</strong>Atatürk”ün Söylev ve Demeçleri, vol. 1 (Istanbul: Maarif Matbaasì, 1945), 28.31. M. Kemal, “Türk Millet<strong>in</strong>i Teskil Eden Müslüman Ö;eler Hakkìnda (May 1,1920),” <strong>in</strong> Atatürk’ün Söylev, 74.32. Seha Meray, Osmanlì 8mparatorlu:u Çökü7 Belgeleri: Mondros bìrakì7masì,Sevres andla7masì ve ilgili belgeler (Ankara: SBF Yayìnlarì, 1977).33. The Kemalist conception of secularism was derived from Auguste Comte’snotion of positivism, a doctr<strong>in</strong>e that seeks to replace religion with science and createa new society by us<strong>in</strong>g technology. See Ali Fuat Ba7gil, D<strong>in</strong> ve Laiklik, 6th ed.(Istanbul: Ya;mur Yayìnevi, 1991); Bülent Daver, Türkiye Cumhuriyet<strong>in</strong>de Laiklik(Ankara: Son Havadis, 1955); and Nur Verg<strong>in</strong>, “D<strong>in</strong> ve Devlet 8li7kileri: Dü7üncen<strong>in</strong>‘Bitmeyen Senfonisi,” Türkiye Günlü:ü 29 (1994): 5–23.34. Ali Haydar, Milli Terbiye (Istanbul: Milli Matbaasì, 1926), 21–23.35. Haydar, Milli, 23.

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