Islamic Political Identity in Turkey

Islamic Political Identity in Turkey

Islamic Political Identity in Turkey


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326 <strong>in</strong>dexDemocrat Party (DP), 60, 61, 156, 173Denizolgun, Ahmet, 146Denizolgun, Mehmet, 146Dershane or textual community, 12,162–66deWnition, 162functions, 163–64<strong>in</strong>ternal dynamics, 166ì7ìk evler (lighthouses), 182religious read<strong>in</strong>g, 164–65religious sphere, 168social capital, 169–70Dirili7 Dergisi, 117Diyanet 87leri Ba7kanlì;ì (D8B), 48, 49,72, 123, 146, 284Do;ru Yol Partisi (True Path Party), 3Ecevit, Bülent, 125, 128Elections, 60, 62, 65, 210, 250–52, 258Erbakan, Necmett<strong>in</strong>, 11, 12, 34, 90, 96,210Erdo;an, Recep Tayyip, 141, 176, 191,226, 248, 259Erenköy Cemaati, 144–45, 250European Union, 75, 248and the Hels<strong>in</strong>ki Summit, 254–56Evren, Kenan, 70–71, 127Ezan, 33, 50Faculty of Div<strong>in</strong>ity, 123Gecekondu (shantytown), viii, 83, 84Germany, 147Göle, Nilüfer, 4, 196, 303Grand National Assembly, 45–47Gül, Abdullah, 213, 226, 259Gülen, Fethullah, 12ideas, 184–89life, 180–81, 271, 303politics, 199religious dialogue, 201and the state persecution, 202Türkiye Müslümanlì;ì, 194–98Gülen movement or neo-Nurmovement, formative period, 181–83and Abant Platformu, 197and Altìn Nesil (Golden Generation),183, 192–94and eser (good work) 187and himmet, 186and hizmet, 186and ihlas, 186and the market, 91, 189, 191–92and media, 190–91and persecution and forcedliberalization, 179and the public sphere period, 183–85and schools, 192–94Gürdo;an, Ers<strong>in</strong>, 117, 141Gürsel, Cemal, 64Halkevleri, 54, 285Hareket Dergisi, 115Hayboun, 53Hem7eri (lik), 84, 91Hikmet-i Hükümet, 398hsan Nuri Pa7a, 538leri, TevWk, 1238mam Hatip schools, 60, 62, 104, 121–28, 2018nalcìk, Halil, 418skenderpa7a Cemaati, 98, 104, 141–44,268media, 143–44organization, 142<strong>Islamic</strong> bank<strong>in</strong>g, 89<strong>Islamic</strong> <strong>in</strong>tellectuals, 5, 112–13, 266<strong>Islamic</strong> movements, 6, 24–28everyday-life based, 28, 30horizontal, 27<strong>in</strong>ward (spiritual), 28political; society-oriented, 30–31reformist, 29revolutionary, 29state-oriented, 28vertical, 27<strong>Islamic</strong> political identity, 6, 8, 21–23,25and be<strong>in</strong>g Muslim, 7, 9deWnition of, 4, 21, 270<strong>Islamic</strong> publish<strong>in</strong>g, 109–128smail A;a Cemaati, 1408smet, 8nönü, 64, 67Kacar, Kemal, 68, 146Kara, 8smail, x, 153Karakoç, Sezai, 104, 111, 114, 116, 117–19,294

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