Islamic Political Identity in Turkey

Islamic Political Identity in Turkey

Islamic Political Identity in Turkey


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the neo-nur movement of fethullah gülen 187In Gülen’s conception of faith as an <strong>in</strong>ternal power to mobilize believers,the last<strong>in</strong>g piece of work that they create is called an eser. In a way, eser is thereXection of one’s faith and a reservoir of one’s pleasure and hard work. Thiseser, for Gülen, should reXect one’s ability to realize one’s potential, and itscreation becomes a religious duty. In short, redemption becomes possible as aresult of collective deeds to create a last<strong>in</strong>g work, eser. Gülen does not call peopleto build more mosques but rather schools, hospitals, and media corporations.His concepts of hizmet and eser lead to <strong>in</strong>ternal secularization of religion <strong>in</strong>terms of rationalization of social relations and dissem<strong>in</strong>ation of scientiWc epistemologythrough his educational system. Furthermore, congregational brotherhoodcircles help to free <strong>in</strong>dividuals and the community from the direct<strong>in</strong>Xuence of the state and lead them to construct social networks that enhancecivil society. In other words, Gülen’s vision and networks help to “domesticate”and <strong>in</strong>culcate civic virtues among the youth by stress<strong>in</strong>g cooperation, participation,and tolerance. The way of creat<strong>in</strong>g an ethical society, for Gülen, is not tooVer courses <strong>in</strong> religion or ethics <strong>in</strong> schools but rather to set good examples,known as temsil, <strong>in</strong> one’s daily life, as a teacher, policemen, bus<strong>in</strong>essmen, andjournalist.This formation of “activist pietism” is at the core of the neo-Nur movement,with the aim of mold<strong>in</strong>g this world <strong>in</strong> terms of <strong>Islamic</strong> ethics. Redemptionthrough collective action becomes a way of <strong>in</strong>ner salvation. Gülen oVers a muchneededmoral motivation for the evolv<strong>in</strong>g Anatolian bourgeoisie and educatedclasses. In the Gülen-led movement, the <strong>in</strong>ner deriv<strong>in</strong>g forces of Turkish culturesuch as hizmet, himmet, and ihlas are utilized to shape the society accord<strong>in</strong>gto the ideals of <strong>Islamic</strong> ethics. Through hizmet, one legitimizes one’s social,educational, and economic activities as a way of realiz<strong>in</strong>g the power of God. Inother words, the realization of God is an outcome of ongo<strong>in</strong>g activity that isembedded <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Islamic</strong> ethos, and this unleashes social energy. Gülen’s followerssee themselves not as an <strong>in</strong>terest group but rather as a communitybrought together by their religious commitment to create a more humane society.This community’s mission is to realize, discuss, and br<strong>in</strong>g the message ofIslam to one’s everyday life, to set the matrix of social and cultural action <strong>in</strong> agiven society. The religious-economic practices are similar to those <strong>in</strong> MaxWeber’s thesis of the Protestant ethic: work <strong>in</strong>spired by religious belief producedthe spirit of capitalism that aVects rational capitalist action <strong>in</strong> Europe. 17With the rise of a well-developed, urban bourgeoisie, the social base of theproducers and consumers of literacy has expanded. Before the emergence ofpr<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g and universal education, read<strong>in</strong>g “circles,” rather than the read<strong>in</strong>g “public,”were centered around the mosques and neighborhood. In other words,Gülen and those who follow him measure their spiritual success, to a certa<strong>in</strong>extent, <strong>in</strong> terms of the worldly consequences of their actions. Believ<strong>in</strong>g that Gülenwas try<strong>in</strong>g to revive the <strong>Islamic</strong> faith and civilization under the leadership ofAnatolian Turks, this newly urbanized group of <strong>in</strong>tellectuals and merchants went<strong>in</strong>to action to translate their worldly success <strong>in</strong>to a heavenly mission. 18 For example,economic and social goals are manifested as a search for identity andjustice. These goals are projected onto a spiritual quest to fulWll the will of God.

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