Islamic Political Identity in Turkey

Islamic Political Identity in Turkey

Islamic Political Identity in Turkey


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notes to pages 138–142 29931. Algar, “The Nak7ibendi Order,” 149.32. See Clarence Richard Johnson, Constant<strong>in</strong>ople Today: A Study <strong>in</strong> OrientalSocial Life (New York: Macmillan,1922); and Osman Erg<strong>in</strong>, Türk Maarif Tarihi, vols.1–2 (Istanbul: Eser Matbaasì, 1977), 240–41.33. Algar, “Naksibendi Order <strong>in</strong> Republican <strong>Turkey</strong>,” 54.34. See Kadir Mìsìrlìo:lu, Kurtulu7 Sava7ìnda Sarìklì Mücahitler (Istanbul:Mizan, 1969), 263–73.35. See Mìsìrlìo:lu, Kutulu7, 262–73, and Cevat Dursuno:lu, Milli Mücadele’deErzurum (Ankara: T. C. Ziraat Bankasì, 1946).36. The Kemalists presented the Nak7ibendis as “backward” and obstacles tochange; see, for example, 8lhan Selçuk, “Son Yüzyìlda Nak7iler<strong>in</strong> Kilometre Ta7larì,”Cumhuriyet, August 3, 1994.37. See Re7at Halli, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde Ayaklanmalar (1924–1938) (Ankara:Genel Kurmay Yayìnlarì, 1972).38. See Menemen 8rtica Hadisesi (Ankara: Hariciye Vekaleti Matbuat UmumMüdürlü:ü, 1931), and Mustafa Müftüo:lu, Menemen Vak’asì (Istanbul: Risale, 1991).39. My <strong>in</strong>terviews with A. Ta7getiren, Istanbul, April 12, 1995, March 15, 1996,and July 13, 2000.40. Fahrett<strong>in</strong> Altay, 10 Yìl Sava7 ve Sonrasì (Istanbul: 8nsel Yayìnlarì, 1970), 437.41. A. Selahatt<strong>in</strong> Kìnacì, Seyyid Muhammed Ra7id Erol (K.S.A.)’nìn Hayatì(Adìyaman: Menzil Yayìnlarì, 1996); N. Fazìl Kuru, “Menzil Nak7ili;i MerkezCemaati Üzer<strong>in</strong>e Sosyolojik Bir Ara7tìrma,” M.A. thesis, University of Erciyes,Kayseri, 1999).42. Em<strong>in</strong> Ya7ar Demirci, “Modernisation, Religion and Politics <strong>in</strong> <strong>Turkey</strong>: TheCase of the 8skenderpa7a Community” (Ph.D. diss., Manchester University, U.K.,1996); M. Hakan Yavuz, “The Matrix of Modern Turkish <strong>Islamic</strong> Movements: TheNaqshbandi SuW Order,” <strong>in</strong> Naqshbandis <strong>in</strong> Western and Central Asia, ed. ElisabethÖzdalga (Istanbul: Numune Matbaasì, 1999), 125–42.43. See Esad Co7an, “Thoughts on the Elections,” 8slam, October 1991, 1–2; andMehmet Sayo;lu, “Vefatìnìn 15. Yìlìnda Mehmet Zahid Kotku,” Yeni Safak, November12, 1995.44. Algar’s note from his private conversation with Kotku, “<strong>Political</strong> Aspects ofNaqshbandi History,” <strong>in</strong> Gaborieau and Popovic, Naqshbandis, 143.45. Halit 8lhan, “Ba:ìmsìzlì:a Te7vik Etmi7tir,” 8slam, November 1992, 43.46. Mehmet Sayo:lu, “Mehmet Zahid Kotku: Kafkasya’dan Bursa’ya,” YeniSafak, November 12–14, 1995.47. Serdar Ömero:lu, “Mehmet Zahid Kotku,” Milli Gazete, November 13–18,1988.48. “Mehmet Zahid Kotku Hocaefendi Rahmetle Anìldì,” Zaman, November30, 1994.49. Coskun Yìlmaz, “Mehmet Zahid Efendi (K.S.) ve 8ktisadi Hayat,” 8slam,November 1994, 26.50. Dur<strong>in</strong>g my <strong>in</strong>terview on October 21, 1996, <strong>in</strong> response to my question,Lütfü Do;an, then parliamentarian of the RP, at his oYce <strong>in</strong> the Grand NationalAssembly said, “By ‘one Mazda,’ they mean an economically up-to-date <strong>Turkey</strong> s<strong>in</strong>ceMazda was the best car <strong>in</strong> the market <strong>in</strong> the 1980s. Moreover, you should note thatMazda is a Japanese car, and there is admiration of Japan for what they haveachieved without giv<strong>in</strong>g up their tradition.”51. Kotku’s books are published <strong>in</strong> Istanbul by Seha, and most do not list a dateof publication. His major works <strong>in</strong>clude TasavvuW Ahlak, 5 vols. (Istanbul: Seha

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