Islamic Political Identity in Turkey

Islamic Political Identity in Turkey

Islamic Political Identity in Turkey


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notes to pages 226–232 311RP,” Yeni Zem<strong>in</strong>, January 1993, 28–41; “RP Kitle Partisi Olma Yolunda,” Yeni Zem<strong>in</strong>,May-June 1994, 38–47.62. My <strong>in</strong>terview with Bahri Zeng<strong>in</strong>, Istanbul, May 9, 1994.63. RP Partisi 4. Büyük Kongre Genel Ba7kan Erbakan’ìn Konu7masì (10 October1993) (Ankara: RP, 1994).64. The idea of multilegalism orig<strong>in</strong>ally was formulated by Bahri Zeng<strong>in</strong>,then a member of the Parliament, as a solution to the problems of <strong>Turkey</strong>. SeeZeng<strong>in</strong>, Özgürle7erek Birlikte Ya7amak: Hukuk Topluluklarì Birli:i (Istanbul:Birle7ik, 1995); Ali Bulaç, 8slam ve Demokrasi: Teokrasi-Totaliterizm (Istanbul:Beyan, 1993), 167–80.65. Mehmet Met<strong>in</strong>er, “RP‘n<strong>in</strong> Yeni Söylemi Üzer<strong>in</strong>e,” Yeni Zem<strong>in</strong>, November1993, 44–45.66. Zeng<strong>in</strong> played a key role <strong>in</strong> the formulation of the Fourth Congress’sDeclaration. See more on Zeng<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> “Devlet Nedir?” Nehir, June 1995, 31, 34–36.67. Both Bulaç and Zeng<strong>in</strong> told me that they <strong>in</strong>corporated “multilegalism” andthe comments on the Kurdish question <strong>in</strong>to the speech.68. 8hsan Akta7’s statement is <strong>in</strong> Oral Calì7lar and Serpil Gündüz, “95Milliyetçi 8slamcì Gençlik Ne 8stiyor?” Cumhuriyet, February 6, 1996.69. White, “Islam and Democracy,” 11.70. My <strong>in</strong>terview with Mehmet Erbakan, the head of the European NationalOutlook Movement, Cologne, July 11–12, 2001.71. Remarks made dur<strong>in</strong>g my visit to the RP Maltepe OYce, Istanbul, March20, 1994.72. Prostitution is a thriv<strong>in</strong>g bus<strong>in</strong>ess, mak<strong>in</strong>g Mathilde Manukyan thecountry’s lead<strong>in</strong>g Turkish-Armenian bus<strong>in</strong>esswomen through her ownership ofbrothels <strong>in</strong> Istanbul. In fact, <strong>Turkey</strong>’s biggest s<strong>in</strong>gle taxpayer for three consecutiveyears was Manukyan. She paid $616,300 to the tax oYce <strong>in</strong> 1995 alone. The lecturerat the local RP conference hall argued that by award<strong>in</strong>g Manukyan a ceremonialplaque, the government constructed its own stereotypical Western role model forTurkish women. The RP used this <strong>in</strong>cident to attack and shame the rul<strong>in</strong>g parties byportray<strong>in</strong>g them as degenerate and lack<strong>in</strong>g morality.73. Ru7en Çakìr, “Bir Sistem Partisi olarak RP Partisi,” Birikim 81 (January1996), 31–35; Ömer Lac<strong>in</strong>er, “6ecim Sonuçlarì Üzer<strong>in</strong>e,” Birikim 81 (January 1996):36–42.74. Sadìk Albayrak, “1914 Trabzon Medreseleri ve Caykara’da 8lim Hayatì,”Caykara Aylìk E;itim Kültür ve Fikir Gazetesi, August 4–September 1, 2002.75. Burhanett<strong>in</strong> Duran, “Approach<strong>in</strong>g the Kurdish Question via Adil Düzen: AnIslamist Formula of the Welfare Party for Ethnic Coexistence,” Journal of MuslimM<strong>in</strong>ority AVairs 18, 1 (1998): 111–28.76. 8smail Kara, “Kürt Medreseleri Gündeme Gelmeyecek mi?” <strong>in</strong> 6eyhEfend<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong> Rüyasìndaki Türkiye (Istanbul: Kitabevi, 1998), 69–72.77. Hamit Bozaslan, “<strong>Turkey</strong>’s Elections and the Kurds,” Middle East Report,April-June 1996, 16–19.78. Milliyet, November 27, 1994.79. Ali Bayramo:lu, “Çözüm Kuzey Irak’ta Kürt Devleti,” Yeni Yüzyìl, July 22,1996.80. Interview with Fuat Fìrat, “Çözüm 8slam Karde7li:<strong>in</strong>dedir,” De:i7im,December 1996, 33.81. Nurett<strong>in</strong> Akta7, “Sistem<strong>in</strong> tabularìyla sorun çözülemez,” De:i7im, December1996, 35.

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