general information - Martin Nez

general information - Martin Nez

general information - Martin Nez


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3-50 ENGINEPISTON RING-TO-GROOVE CLEARANCE• Measure the side clearances of the 1st and 2nd piston ringsusing the thickness gauge.• If any of the clearances exceed the limit, replace both the pistonand piston rings. 09900-20803: Thickness gauge09900-20205: Micrometer (0 – 25 mm) Piston ring-to-groove clearance:Service Limit (1st) : 0.180 mm(2nd) : 0.150 mm Piston ring groove width:Standard (1st) : 1.01 – 1.03 mm(2nd): 0.81 – 0.83 mm(Oil) : 1.51 – 1.53 mm Piston ring thickness:Standard (1st) : 0.97 – 0.99 mm(2nd): 0.77 – 0.79 mmPISTON RING FREE END GAP AND PISTON RING END GAP• Measure the piston ring free end gap using the vernier calipers.• Next, fit the piston ring squarely into the cylinder and measurethe piston ring end gap using the thickness gauge.• If any of the measurements exceed the service limit, replacethe piston ring with a new one. Piston ring free end gap:Service Limit (1st) : 4.4 mm(2nd): 6.8 mm 09900-20102: Vernier calipers Piston ring end gap:Service Limit (1st) : 0.50 mm(2nd): 0.50 mm 09900-20803: Thickness gauge

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