Eighth to the Sixteenth Century - Rashid Islamic Center

Eighth to the Sixteenth Century - Rashid Islamic Center

Eighth to the Sixteenth Century - Rashid Islamic Center


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The Mosque, <strong>the</strong> Labora<strong>to</strong>ry, and <strong>the</strong> Market • 83Jemmal-Eddin is an Afghan entirely divorced from <strong>the</strong> prejudicesof Islam; he belongs <strong>to</strong> those energetic races of Iran, near India,where <strong>the</strong> Aryan spirit lives still energetically under <strong>the</strong> superficiallayer of official Islam.” Renan admits “he may have appeared unjust<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sheikh” in singling out Islam for his attack: “Christianity inthis respect is not superior <strong>to</strong> Islam. This is beyond doubt. Galileowas no better treated by Catholicism than Averroes by Islam.” Renanconcludes his rejoinder by stating that al-Afghani had “broughtconsiderable arguments for his fundamental <strong>the</strong>ses: during <strong>the</strong> firsthalf of its existence Islam did not s<strong>to</strong>p <strong>the</strong> scientific movement fromexisting in Muslim lands; in <strong>the</strong> second half, it stifled in its breast <strong>the</strong>scientific movement, and that <strong>to</strong> its grief” (Keddie 1972, 197).This is <strong>the</strong> immediate background <strong>to</strong> twentieth-century Westernliterature on Islam and science. Renan was pushed out of <strong>the</strong> picture,but Goldziher still reigned supreme in this discourse, which construesIslam inherently incapable of producing science. The fatal division onwhich Goldziher construed his <strong>the</strong>sis divides knowledge in<strong>to</strong> ‘sciencesof <strong>the</strong> ancients’ (meaning all works translated from Greek) and ‘<strong>the</strong>sciences of <strong>the</strong> Arabs’ or <strong>the</strong> ‘new sciences’. By ancient sciences hemeans “<strong>the</strong> entire range of propaedeutical, physical and metaphysicalsciences of <strong>the</strong> Greek encyclopedia, as well as <strong>the</strong> branches ofma<strong>the</strong>matics, philosophy, natural science, medicine, astronomy,<strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>ory of music and o<strong>the</strong>rs” (Goldziher 1916, 185), although heacknowledges <strong>the</strong> extensive interest “that <strong>the</strong>se sciences aroused from<strong>the</strong> second century AH on[ward] in religious circles loyal <strong>to</strong> Islam(and encouraged also by <strong>the</strong> Abbasid caliphs).” He states that “stric<strong>to</strong>rthodoxy always looked with some mistrust on those who wouldabandon <strong>the</strong> science of Shafi and Malik, and elevate <strong>the</strong> opinion ofEmpedocles <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> level of law in Islam” (Goldziher 1916, 185–86).Thus <strong>the</strong> entire range of Greek, Persian, Hindu, and o<strong>the</strong>r pre-<strong>Islamic</strong> works are pitted against “pure <strong>Islamic</strong> sciences.” This positionhas been previously examined in detail, and hence a quote here fromthat work will suffice:But when one examines <strong>the</strong> data used by Goldziher <strong>to</strong>construct his battle lines, one realizes that <strong>the</strong>se battle linesare boundaries drawn on sand with a clear and pre-conceivedpurpose which is none o<strong>the</strong>r than a specific interpretation of

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