Eighth to the Sixteenth Century - Rashid Islamic Center

Eighth to the Sixteenth Century - Rashid Islamic Center

Eighth to the Sixteenth Century - Rashid Islamic Center


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Annotated BibliographyAhmad, S. Maqbul. 1981. “Al-Masudi.” In Dictionary of Scientific Biography(hereafter cited as DSB), 9: 171–172.—. 1991. “Djughrafiya.” In Encyclopaedia of Islam (hereafter cited as EI),3: 575–587.—. 1997. “Kharita.” EI, 4: 1077–1083.Aris<strong>to</strong>tle. 1984. The Complete Works of Aris<strong>to</strong>tle. The Revised OxfordTranslation. Jonathan Barnes, ed. 2 vols. Prince<strong>to</strong>n, NJ: Prince<strong>to</strong>nUniversity Press.Arnaldez, Roger. Averroes: A Rationalist in Islam. Translated from <strong>the</strong>French original, Averroès, un rationaliste en Islam, first publishedby Éditions Balland, Paris, 1998, by David Streight. Notre Dame:University of Notre Dame Press. An insightful short book of 156pages on <strong>the</strong> thought of Ibn Rushd by a member of <strong>the</strong> AcadémieFrançaise and professor emeritus at <strong>the</strong> Sorbonne.Al-Attas, Syed Muhammad Naquib. 1981. The Positive Aspects ofTasawwuf: Preliminary Thoughts on an <strong>Islamic</strong> Philosophy of Science.Kuala Lumpur: <strong>Islamic</strong> Academy of Science. This short book by acontemporary Muslim scholar outlines <strong>the</strong> foundational principles ofscience from an <strong>Islamic</strong> perspective.—. 1989. Islam and <strong>the</strong> Philosophy of Science. Kuala Lumpur: InternationalInstitute of <strong>Islamic</strong> Thought and Civilization.

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