Eighth to the Sixteenth Century - Rashid Islamic Center

Eighth to the Sixteenth Century - Rashid Islamic Center

Eighth to the Sixteenth Century - Rashid Islamic Center


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272 • The Making of <strong>Islamic</strong> Science<strong>the</strong> West. Cambridge: University of Cambridge. An often-quoted workwhich attempts <strong>to</strong> show that <strong>the</strong>re is something inherently wrongwith Islam, and that <strong>the</strong>refore it could not have produced science. Atypical orientalist approach which attempts <strong>to</strong> deconstruct Islam andits tradition of learning.Ibn Kathir. reprint 1998. Tafsir ul-QurāĀn al-‘Azim, Sami b. Muhammadas-Salamah, ed. 8 vols. Riyad: Dar Tayyibah. This is one of <strong>the</strong> majorcommentaries of <strong>the</strong> QurāĀn, written in <strong>the</strong> fourteenth century, andstill widely used.Al-Kindi, Ya‘qub ibn Ishaq. On First Philosophy (fi al-Falsafah al-Ula).Translated by Alfred L. Ivry, Albany: State University of New YorkPress. This book provides a good insight in<strong>to</strong> al-Kindi’s philosophythrough a representative work.Jansen, J. J. G. 1974. The Interpretation of <strong>the</strong> Koran in Modern Egypt.Leiden: Brill. A general survey of QurāĀn scholarship in Egypt.Mardin, Serif. 2000. The Genesis of Young Ot<strong>to</strong>man Thought: A Study in <strong>the</strong>Modernization of Turkish Political Ideas. Syracuse: Syracuse UniversityPress.Ibn al-Nadim. Tr. 1970. Al-Fihrist. Translated by Bayard Dodge as TheFihrist. Cambridge: Columbia University Press. One of <strong>the</strong> bestsources of information on a wide range of subjects, Ibn NadimFihrist remains a major reference work on various aspects of <strong>Islamic</strong>tradition of learning—from authors <strong>to</strong> biographies <strong>to</strong> subject areas.Ibn Rushd, Abu al-Waleed Muhammad. Tr. 1954. Tahafut al-Tahafut(The Incoherence of <strong>the</strong> Incoherence). Translated from <strong>the</strong> Arabic withIntroduction and Notes by Simon van den Bergh, 2 vols. London:Luzac. A key work for Islam and science discourse, Ibn Rushd hererefutes al-Ghazali’s major work, The Incoherence of Philosophers.Ibn Rushd, Abu al-Waleed. 1959. Kitab fasl al-maqal, Arabic text, editedby George F. Hourani. Leiden: Brill. Often cited as a proof of Islam’ssupposed antagonistic attitude <strong>to</strong>ward natural sciences in secondaryworks, this important book by Ibn Rushd is actually concernedwith investigating “parentage” (ittisal) between <strong>Islamic</strong> religious law(shariah) and wisdom.Ibn Sina. Tr. 1930. The Canon of Medicine. A treatise on <strong>the</strong> Canon of

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