Eighth to the Sixteenth Century - Rashid Islamic Center

Eighth to the Sixteenth Century - Rashid Islamic Center

Eighth to the Sixteenth Century - Rashid Islamic Center


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Islam and Modern Science: Contemporary Issues • 211dawn, <strong>the</strong>ir noon, <strong>the</strong>ir late afternoon, and <strong>the</strong>ir twilight. If <strong>the</strong>evolutionist outlook were genuinely ‘scientist’, in <strong>the</strong> modernsense, it would be assumed that <strong>the</strong> evolution of <strong>the</strong> human racewas a phase of waxing that would necessarily be followed by <strong>the</strong>complementary waning phase of devolution; and <strong>the</strong> questionof whe<strong>the</strong>r or not man was already on <strong>the</strong> downward phasewould be a major feature of all evolutionist literature. The factthat <strong>the</strong> question is never put, and that if evolutionists could bemade <strong>to</strong> face up <strong>to</strong> it most of <strong>the</strong>m would drop <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>the</strong>ory asone drops a hot coal, does not say much for <strong>the</strong>ir objectivity.(Lings 1988, 24)Whitall N. Perry, ano<strong>the</strong>r traditionalist, wrote a book on evolution,The Widening Breach: Evolutionism in <strong>the</strong> Mirror of Cosmology, andchallenges it from a cosmological standpoint. This refutation statesthat evolutionism suffers from a missing link and that <strong>the</strong>re exists“no prerogative, cosmic principle or law by which this inanimate andsubjectless—hence limited—pristine stuff could from its inceptionmaintain over measureless time a perfect self-containment.” Theauthor asks:The point of all this is <strong>to</strong> ask simply, why should <strong>the</strong> pairsubject-object alone, on <strong>the</strong> plane of manifested existence notbe a ‘pair’, but be free from <strong>the</strong> ‘tyranny’ of interdependence orlinkage <strong>to</strong> which all <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r listed and unlisted terms withoutexception are subjected? (Perry 1995, 3)Using a wide range of traditional sources, Perry attempts <strong>to</strong>place <strong>the</strong> subject/object polarity in its proper frame of reference.He affirms <strong>the</strong> primordial truth that <strong>the</strong> Being of all beings is bu<strong>to</strong>ne Being and that polarities appear only at <strong>the</strong> manifest plane ofreality. This subject/object relationship is essentially <strong>the</strong> linchpin for<strong>the</strong> whole argument against evolutionism, for <strong>the</strong>re can be no objectwithout a subject. Evolutionists may claim that one pole of a dualitycan exist in <strong>the</strong> <strong>to</strong>tal and unqualified nonexistence of its corollary orcounterpart, but such claims cannot be valid for <strong>the</strong> simple reasonthat in <strong>the</strong> whole of <strong>the</strong> manifest universe not a single example can befound <strong>to</strong> support this claim. On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand, <strong>the</strong> manifest universeis full of subject/object relationships that are expressed in numerousphenomena—<strong>the</strong> regularity with which <strong>the</strong> heavenly objects move,

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