Eighth to the Sixteenth Century - Rashid Islamic Center

Eighth to the Sixteenth Century - Rashid Islamic Center

Eighth to the Sixteenth Century - Rashid Islamic Center


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Islam and Modern Science: Contemporary Issues • 195understand <strong>the</strong> meaning of <strong>the</strong>se QurāĀnic statements abouthuman development, based on current scientific knowledge.(Moore 1982, 10)During <strong>the</strong> Seventh Medical Conference held by <strong>the</strong> Commissionat Dammam, Saudi Arabia, in 1981, Moore said that “it has been agreat pleasure for me <strong>to</strong> help clarify statements in <strong>the</strong> QurāĀn abouthuman development. It is clear <strong>to</strong> me that <strong>the</strong>se statements must havecome <strong>to</strong> Muhammad from God, because almost all of this knowledgewas not discovered until many centuries later. This proves <strong>to</strong> methat Muhammad must have been a messenger of God.” During <strong>the</strong>question session, when Moore was asked, “Does this mean that youbelieve that <strong>the</strong> QurāĀn is <strong>the</strong> word of God?” he replied, “I find nodifficulty in accepting this.”Similar state-sponsored programs were initiated in Pakistan,Jordan, and o<strong>the</strong>r Muslim countries. A precursor <strong>to</strong> this was <strong>the</strong>work of a French physician, Maurice Bucaille, who published hisenormously popular book La Bible, le Coran et la science : Les écrituressaintes examinées à la lumière des connaissances modernes (The Bible,<strong>the</strong> QurāĀn, and Science: The Holy Scriptures Examined in <strong>the</strong> Light ofModern Knowledge) in 1976. Bucaille’s book has been translated in<strong>to</strong>every language spoken in <strong>the</strong> Muslim world and hundreds of websitesrefer <strong>to</strong> it. Bucaille, who was <strong>the</strong> family physician of <strong>the</strong> Saudi KingFaisal, attempted <strong>to</strong> show that <strong>the</strong> QurāĀn contains scientificallycorrect information about <strong>the</strong> creation of <strong>the</strong> heavens and earth,human reproduction, and certain o<strong>the</strong>r aspects of <strong>the</strong> natural worldwhereas <strong>the</strong> Bible does not. His book became <strong>the</strong> main source fordozens of o<strong>the</strong>r secondary works on Islam and science. Bucaille’s workis a forerunner <strong>to</strong> numerous o<strong>the</strong>r works that attempt <strong>to</strong> interpret<strong>the</strong> QurāĀn on <strong>the</strong> basis of modern scientific knowledge. In all suchworks, <strong>the</strong> QurāĀnic vocabulary is placed within <strong>the</strong> framework ofmodern science and its verses are interpreted <strong>to</strong> show <strong>the</strong> existence of“scientifically correct” knowledge in <strong>the</strong> QurāĀn.The creation of <strong>the</strong> heavens and earth is a popular <strong>the</strong>me in thisstrand of Islam and science, where certain verses of <strong>the</strong> QurāĀn arechosen <strong>to</strong> demonstrate that <strong>the</strong> QurāĀn contains modern scientificdata. The two most often cited verses are Q. 21:30 and Q. 41:11. Theformer states, Do <strong>the</strong> disbelievers not see that <strong>the</strong> heavens and <strong>the</strong> earth

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