Eighth to the Sixteenth Century - Rashid Islamic Center

Eighth to the Sixteenth Century - Rashid Islamic Center

Eighth to the Sixteenth Century - Rashid Islamic Center


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Islam, Transmission, and <strong>the</strong> Decline of <strong>Islamic</strong> Science • 137“The Country is miserably decay’d, and hath lost <strong>the</strong> Reputationof its Name, and mighty s<strong>to</strong>ck of Credit it once had for EasternWisedome and learning; It hath followed <strong>the</strong> Motion of <strong>the</strong> Sun andis Universally gone Westward” (Toomer 1996, v).By <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> seventeenth century, new publications hadstarted <strong>to</strong> appear on <strong>the</strong> basis of previously translated Latin texts,which provided foundations for <strong>the</strong> emergence of Orientalism.As European science surpassed <strong>Islamic</strong> scientific tradition, <strong>the</strong>propagandists of <strong>the</strong> new science began <strong>to</strong> single out Arabs asharbingers of scholasticism, mere imita<strong>to</strong>rs of <strong>the</strong> Greeks, whoselearning was derivative and irrelevant. “The sciences which wepossess come for <strong>the</strong> most part from <strong>the</strong> Greeks,” wrote FrancisBacon (1561–1626) in Novum Organum, “for what has been added byRoman, Arabic, or later writers is not much nor of much importance;and whatever it is, it is built on <strong>the</strong> foundations of Greek discoveries”(Bacon 1905, 275). Bacon’s verdict was <strong>to</strong> become entrenched insubsequent centuries. For him, “only three revolutions and periodsof learning can properly be reckoned; one among <strong>the</strong> Greeks, <strong>the</strong>second among <strong>the</strong> Romans, and <strong>the</strong> last among us, that is <strong>to</strong> say, <strong>the</strong>nations of Western Europe, and <strong>to</strong> each of <strong>the</strong>se hardly two centuriescan be assigned. The intervening ages of <strong>the</strong> world, in respect ofany rich or flourishing growth of sciences, were unprosperous. Fornei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> Arabians, nor <strong>the</strong> Schoolmen need be mentioned; who in<strong>the</strong> intermediate times ra<strong>the</strong>r crushed <strong>the</strong> sciences with a multitudeof treatises, than increased <strong>the</strong>ir weight” (Bacon 1905, 279). Bacon’sverdict has been repeated time and again and continues <strong>to</strong> be <strong>the</strong>main <strong>the</strong>sis of most mainstream literature on <strong>Islamic</strong> scientifictradition. “George Starkey criticized all of <strong>the</strong> Arabic writers becauseof <strong>the</strong>ir reliance on Galen and opined that ‘Avicenna was useless in<strong>the</strong> light of practical experience’” (Greaves 1969, 90).By <strong>the</strong> turn of <strong>the</strong> eighteenth century, not only <strong>the</strong> scientificlearning of Muslims but Muslims <strong>the</strong>mselves were <strong>the</strong> subject ofjudgments: “It is certain that <strong>the</strong> Arabs were not a learned Peoplewhen <strong>the</strong>y over-spread Asia,” wrote William Wat<strong>to</strong>n (1666–1727), “sothat when afterwards <strong>the</strong>y translated <strong>the</strong> Grecian Learning in<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>irown Language, <strong>the</strong>y had very little of <strong>the</strong>ir own, which was not takenfrom those Fountains” (Wat<strong>to</strong>n 1694, 140).

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