Tractatus de apostasia

Tractatus de apostasia

Tractatus de apostasia


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256 INDEX.<br />

Augustine, St., Father of the Church, quoted,<br />

•I. 7, l3 » 3o, 49, 5o, 5r, 55, 57, 64, 66, 71, 71").<br />

82, 85, 86, 89, 109, [33, i35, i38, i39, 140,<br />

141, I-|2, 1 |X, "177, iSl, 182, 189, 2l3, 220, 228,<br />

229, 23l, 237.<br />

Augustine, St., ot England, was perhaps the<br />

author of a spurious<br />

work ascribed to<br />

St. Augustine of Hippo, 83.<br />

Aurelius, 83.<br />

Averrhoes, mentioned, St.; quoted, 117, i53, 157.<br />

Avicenna, his doctrine of the cognition of pure<br />

and note.<br />

Being, 119,<br />

Azymitas, g3, note.<br />

Bacon, Robert, a learned Dominican, 175, note.<br />

Backbiting, the sin of Lucifer, shows want of<br />

charity or of pru<strong>de</strong>nce, 27.<br />

Baptism, compared with Eucharist, 211.<br />

Baptist, John the; rightly inconsistent, 21. | and<br />

note.<br />

Bartholemew, St., bowed the knee a hundred<br />

times a day, 14.<br />

Beating with the foot, its mystic sense, 3i.<br />

Be<strong>de</strong>, if against iii Wyclif the Eucharistic<br />

question, would be against Scripture, the<br />

Fathers and himself, 207.<br />

Begging of the Friars, the, excessive, needless,<br />

irreligious, 3i, 32.<br />

Benedict, St.. 1 1, .|0, 41.<br />

Berengarius, bis con<strong>de</strong>mnation, to which Wyclif<br />

agrees, OS, 79, 10S.<br />

Bernard, St., quoted. 3. 129, iq6.<br />

Bernard the glossator, 5, 9.<br />

Bilocation, scholastic theory of, 100; a miracle<br />

of, 102; impossible, 214.<br />

Bishoprics, sought alter by Friars, 11, Ot.<br />

Bishop's state, a, more perfect than that of a<br />

'Religious', 11; remains perfect, even though<br />

he himself be imperfect, i3; a B. not obliged<br />

to follow the observances of his sect 11. The<br />

Bishops rob the English Churches, 88.<br />

Blasphemy always accompanies apostasy and<br />

simony, 1; no mortal sin without it, ib.; it<br />

is B. for any man to claim that obedience<br />

which is due to Cod, 17; or to say that<br />

worldly prelates ought not to be rebuked,<br />

22, 23; or to en<strong>de</strong>avour to ren<strong>de</strong>r the Church<br />

worldly, in. B. ot the Man ol Sin concerning<br />

the Eucharist, 46, 48, (>5.<br />

Bohemian language, a note in the, on the<br />

Prague MS., 170.<br />

Bonaventure, St., mentioned, iq5.<br />

Boys and others, enticed into the Or<strong>de</strong>rs by<br />

gills, 28, 2(.i ; wise answer of one of them, ib.<br />

Blood called the life in Scripture, 5i.<br />

Bread and wine are lo the body what Christ<br />

is to the soul, to; the\ are changed into<br />

Christ's Body, their substances remaining, 170.<br />

Brewer's Monuments Franciscana quoted, |i,<br />

note.<br />

Buffoon and king; comparison to illustrate the<br />

Eucharistic theory, 53.<br />

Caiphas, 70.<br />

Calf, the molten, image of Church temporalities,<br />

was not a real call but a figure, io5.<br />

Candace, Queen; her eunuch was a religious<br />

man, 2.<br />

Case, a; four friars trying to persua<strong>de</strong> a man<br />

to belong lo their several or<strong>de</strong>rs, 3o.<br />

Celestinus,St., or<strong>de</strong>red the Psalter to be chanted<br />

before Atass, 24".<br />

Change of monastic habit, the; forbid<strong>de</strong>n, 4.<br />

Charcoal, ignited, illustrates the Eucharist, 52,<br />

243.<br />

Christ foolishly said to have been a Pharisee, 3;<br />

His Rule of life professed by all Christians, 10;<br />

He alone is our example, i3; He gave no<br />

commands as to what we should wear, &c. ;<br />

or if so, only for a time, ib. He would not<br />

have Christians subject to Him, if absolute<br />

acci<strong>de</strong>nts were admissible, 5o ; how present<br />

in the Host, io3; really, but yet not formally<br />

nor essentially, no; multiplied there, not iii<br />

substance, but in figure, no; His life therein,<br />

not animal but spiritual, 117; is His Body<br />

seen in the Host by the bodily eye.- contradictions<br />

of adversaries, ib.; C. not so really<br />

present in the Host as in Heaven, i85; if He<br />

were, the Host would be animated, 186; C. has<br />

three mo<strong>de</strong>s of being in the Host, 219; His<br />

Body is thete, but not qua His Body, 221.<br />

Chrysbstom, St., the Opus imperfection falsely<br />

ascribed to him, 21 and note.<br />

Civil lordship always savours of sin, 3o, errors<br />

concerning it, 17B.<br />

Collective entities are no entities, 96.<br />

Confessors of kings should keep them<br />

heresy,<br />

from<br />

61.<br />

Conjugal obedience, 17.<br />

Contrary positions as to the Eucharist, 222.<br />

Cook, a, must know what he gives to eat;<br />

much more a priest, 58.<br />

Cornelius the centurion, a religious man, 2.<br />

Corruption in the Church, 22.<br />

Crusa<strong>de</strong> in Flan<strong>de</strong>rs, the; mentioned, 177.<br />

Crucifix and Host; difference of Christ's presence<br />

in each, 222. 223.<br />

Crystalline spheres, 71 note.<br />

Curates must know what the Host is in itself, 58.<br />

Curiosity of Herod, the, not satisfied by Christ, 75.<br />

Cyprian quoted, 24 5.<br />

Damasus, St., inserted the Credo in the Mass.<br />

249.<br />

Danger ot those who quit the Or<strong>de</strong>rs, 8, 9.<br />

Dangerous to approve sin, even in good men, 14 .<br />

Dangers of indulgences both to prelates, friars,<br />

and la\ men, 35.<br />

David, 76.<br />

Decretals quoted,<br />

1, 3, 4. 5, 9, i3, 16, 21, 33,<br />

5i, 53, 54, 57, 04, 65, 66, 07. ,|S , 7-'> 7-S 79,<br />

82, 85, 108, 100, 120. i63, 107, 198, 2i3, 2i5,<br />

211), 211), 228, 220, 23l, 236, 2?I.<br />

De Divinis Officiis quoted 73, 74, 75, 80, io3,<br />

106, 107, 123; its authorship, 73, 248, notes<br />

De Incarnatione mentioned, iS3.<br />

De Simonia quoted, 90, note.<br />

Dialogue, an imaginary, between priest and<br />

layman, 57.<br />

Difference between types and figures, 52.<br />

Dispenses, etymology of the word, 8; ought<br />

not to be given by the Pope nor tolerated<br />

by the king, 9.<br />

Docking, Thomas, mentioned, iq5, and note.<br />

Doctrines of <strong>de</strong>vils, 26.<br />

I lominic, St., 1 \.<br />

hove, the, of Noah's ark and of Christ's baptism<br />

85, 86; was a sign of the Holy Ghost, and<br />

vet a real dove, 233.<br />

Duality of Gods would follow from the acci<strong>de</strong>nttheory,<br />

144.<br />

Duty of secular powers to maintain the clergy,<br />

I9, 91.<br />

Dionysius quoted, 63, 09, 216.<br />

"<br />

Eduction of forms, 170.<br />

Egidius, 120 and note.<br />

Endowment of the Church, a cause of e\ ils, 44.<br />


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