20.03.2014 Aufrufe

forschungsbericht november 2008 – juli 2012 - Kunsthistorisches ...

forschungsbericht november 2008 – juli 2012 - Kunsthistorisches ...

forschungsbericht november 2008 – juli 2012 - Kunsthistorisches ...


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erkenntnisleitenden Funktion bildlicher Strukturen im April 2011 Gelegenheit, die epistemische<br />

Wirkweise frühneuzeitlicher Bilder ausgehend von ihren formalen und strukturellen<br />

Eigenschaften zu erkunden. Die Dissertation wurde im Dezember 2011 fertiggestellt und an<br />

der Freien Universität Berlin eingereicht<br />

Artistic and Cultural Exchanges in Late Medieval Spain.<br />

The Example of the Architectural Patronage of the Velasco Family<br />

Elena Paulino Montero | Art, Space and Mobility<br />

Medina de Pomar, Stuccoes, Madrid,<br />

Velasco’s palace<br />

The Velasco family gained power in<br />

Castilia between the fourteenth and<br />

fifteenth centuries. The family has often<br />

been presented as a main sponsor<br />

of the so-called Late Gothic Style. However,<br />

a careful analysis of the family's<br />

architectural patronage reveals a more<br />

eclectic approach. Far from featuring<br />

northern European details only, their buildings are profused with Islamicate motifs, which<br />

were then mostly employed by the royal family. A first goal of this study is then to reveal the<br />

political dimensions of such appropriations. Thanks to architecture, the Velascos reinforced<br />

their social and political position while playing an important role in the development of Castilian<br />

artistic taste. Perfectly aware of the trends in architecture they showed refinement in their<br />

artistic choices and sources. Studying the buildings sponsored by one family only, moreover,<br />

is a methodological challenge. Moving away from the rigid stylistic and geographical categorizations<br />

of traditional historiography, the research project will contribute to the construction<br />

of a more fluid and thus complete perspective of the artistic scene of Late Medieval Castile.<br />

Actively Seeking Consumers: Everyday Objects of Islamic Art in their<br />

Social-Historical Context<br />

Amanda Phillips | Connecting Art Histories in the Museum<br />

The Ottoman robe-of-honour given to<br />

the envoy of Friedrich the Great 1762,<br />

Berlin, Museum für Islamisches Kunst<br />

The project is centered on the early modern Ottoman Empire,<br />

and the consumption of luxury goods like silk and porcelain,<br />

with a specific emphasis on the domestic sphere. Many luxury<br />

goods are defined as ›fine art‹ by contemporary scholarship,<br />

and are housed in museums in Europe, North America and<br />

the Middle East. Using estate inventories from Istanbul and<br />

other cities, the project has reconstructed the types and quantities<br />

of objects in the homes of wealthy residents in several<br />

neighbourhoods between 1600 and 1750. Some categories of<br />

goods were widespread, such as incense burners and decorated<br />

felts, while some objects were exceptional, like a piece of<br />

the Ka'aba cover or a preserved elephant ear. In the same vein,<br />

the research has also helped to clarify the notions of foreign<br />

and ›domestic‹ in the Ottoman sphere.<br />

Bilder für Bilder. Ein gedrucktes Vorlagenbuch aus Venedig, bekannt als<br />

Tarock-Karten des Mantegna<br />

Susanne Pollack<br />

Die Arbeit ist einer insgesamt 50 Blätter umfassenden Kupferstichserie aus dem Quattrocento<br />

gewidmet, deren Rezeptionsgeschichte sowohl in qualitativer als auch in quantitativer<br />

Hinsicht beachtlich ist. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf den primären Status der Bilder als

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