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Jason Andresen (order #1578489) - Jump page for Jubei

Jason Andresen (order #1578489) - Jump page for Jubei


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Combat<br />

The sepulchral lurker usually<br />

attacks from a hidden position,<br />

most often erupting<br />

from out of the earth. The<br />

skeletons under its command<br />

are used as distractions, while<br />

it weakens foes with its breath<br />

weapon and slays them with its vicious<br />

claws and bite.<br />

breath Weapon (Su): 30-foot cone of<br />

weakness, usable once every 1d4 rounds,<br />

1d6 Strength damage to all living creatures,<br />

Fortitude DC 14 negates. The<br />

save DC is Constitution-based.<br />

Create<br />

Spawn (Su): A humanoid or monstrous<br />

humanoid slain by a sepulchral lurker rises as a skeleton under<br />

the sepulchral lurker’s control in 1d4 rounds.<br />

Frightful Presence (Ex): This ability automatically takes<br />

effect whenever the sepulchral lurker attacks or charges. 30-ft.<br />

radius, HD 7 or less, Will DC 16 negates. The save DC is<br />

Charisma-based.<br />

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a sepulchral lurker<br />

must hit with a claw attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple<br />

as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.<br />

Rend (Ex): A sepulchral lurker that hits with both claws<br />

latches onto the opponent’s body and tears the flesh. This<br />

attack automatically does 2d6+7 points of damage.<br />

Skills: *Sepulchral lurkers receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide<br />

checks while in its native environment due to its coloration.<br />

Further, a sepulchral lurker can lie under the sand with only its<br />

eyes and part of its hunched back showing, gaining a +10 cover<br />

bonus on Hide checks.<br />

Treasure<br />

Sepulchral lurkers are often the wardens of very valuable<br />

treasures, which can run the gamut of one’s imagination.<br />

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Sepulchral Lurker<br />

There is also frequently treasure left behind by victims<br />

killed by the sepulchral lurker (and subsequently<br />

raised as skeletons).<br />

If killed, the sepulchral lurker’s heart<br />

turns into a porous rock. If powdered<br />

and ingested, the stone allows the<br />

person who consumed it to add<br />

+2 to the DC <strong>for</strong> all saving throws<br />

against spells from the school of<br />

Necromancy that they cast. This<br />

effect lasts <strong>for</strong> 10 hours. Each<br />

sepulchral lurker heart produces<br />

10 doses, which sell <strong>for</strong> about<br />

200 gp each.<br />

A sepulchral lurker’s claws can<br />

be made into masterwork daggers<br />

<strong>for</strong> the cost of a normal dagger.<br />

The claws have a hardness of 10<br />

and 20 hp.<br />

Legends & Lore<br />

CoMMoN: None.<br />

UNCoMMoN: A huge undead beast may be found guarding<br />

treasures hidden in the Bloodstone Marches.<br />

RARE: These sepulchral lurkers are often accompanied by the<br />

risen skeletons of those they have slain.<br />

obSCURE: A sepulchral lurker’s heart is a potent necromantic<br />

ability booster.<br />

Hooks<br />

A necromancer in disguise approaches the PCs in the hopes<br />

of hiring them to hunt down a sepulchral lurker and return<br />

its heart to him. If the offer is accepted, the PCs will receive<br />

a map that leads them to a tomb in the Bloodstone Marches<br />

(perhaps even the one mentioned by Viktor Pendrake). There<br />

they find a sepulchral lurker, but—more importantly—they just<br />

might discover what it was guarding.<br />

<strong>Jason</strong> <strong>Andresen</strong> (<strong>order</strong> <strong>#1578489</strong>) 9

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