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Bone Grinder Prestige Class<br />

The Bone Grinder<br />

Hit Die: d6<br />

Requirements<br />

To qualify to become a bone grinder, a character must fulfill<br />

all of the following criteria.<br />

Knowledge (arcana): 6 ranks.<br />

Creature Lore: 5 ranks.<br />

Craft (dissection): 4 ranks.<br />

Survival: 4 ranks.<br />

Craft (alchemy): 4 ranks.<br />

Feat: At least one metamagic feat.<br />

Spells: The ability to cast arcane spells of 3rd level or greater.<br />

Special: Must find a bone grinder and convince him to teach<br />

you his secrets. Good luck.<br />

Class Skills<br />

Concentration (Con), Craft (alchemy) (Int), Creature Lore<br />

(Int), Decipher Script (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Knowledge<br />

(all skills taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently<br />

(Dex), Profession (bone grinder) (Wis), Search (Int), Speak<br />

Language (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis).<br />

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.<br />

Class Features<br />

Track: Bone grinders receive Track as a bonus feat.<br />

Favored Monster (Ex): At 1st level, a bone grinder selects<br />

a favored monster type. This is a creature type that the bone<br />

grinder is more familiar with, having gained a greater insight<br />

into its habits, mannerisms, and usefulness. He gains a +2<br />

bonus to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks<br />

versus a creature of that type. This bonus also applies to damage<br />

rolls, though ranged attacks only gain the bonus when<br />

within 30 feet. Additionally, it can be added to Craft (alchemy)<br />

checks when bone grinding parts from a favored monster.<br />

At 5th and 10th levels, the bone grinder selects a new favored<br />

monster type, and his previous bonuses rise by an additional +1.<br />

bone Grinding (Su): The hallmark of the bone grinder,<br />

this is a process whereby specialized materials are rendered<br />

down into spell enhancers and tokens. Creation of these items<br />

is similar to the creation of other magic items, but a bit easier<br />

in some ways. Unlike magic item creation, costs to the bone<br />

grinder usually involve far more labor than financial investment.<br />

All bone grinding attempts require a Craft (alchemy) check.<br />

All items also have an XP cost, which works exactly as it does<br />

with item creation feats. On a failed Craft (alchemy) check, the<br />

bone grinder’s progress has stalled. If the check fails by five or<br />

more, he ruins all of his raw materials and has to pay one-half<br />

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of the XP cost that he would’ve incurred if he had successfully<br />

completed the enhancer or token.<br />

Bone grinders can make spell enhancers beginning at 1st<br />

level. At this point, the bone grinder can only make lesser<br />

enhancers. Lesser enhancers utilize metamagic feats that require<br />

a one or two level spell slot increase when used. At 3rd level,<br />

the bone grinder learns how to create lesser tokens. At 6th<br />

level, he can make greater spell enhancers, those that require a<br />

three or four level spell slot increase. And finally, at 8th level<br />

the bone grinder can craft greater tokens.<br />

Expert bone Grinder (Ex): As a bone grinder gains more<br />

class levels, his skills at bone grinding increase. At 2nd level,<br />

the bone grinder gains a +2 competence bonus to all Craft<br />

(alchemy) and Craft (dissection) checks made as part of the<br />

bone grinding process. This bonus increases to +4 at 4th level,<br />

+6 at 6th level, +8 at 8th level, and +10 at 10th level. This<br />

competence bonus only applies to Craft (alchemy) and Craft<br />

(dissection) checks related to bone grinding and are not added<br />

to any unrelated Craft skill checks.<br />

Spell Enhancers<br />

Bone grinders are best known by their fellow arcane practitioners<br />

<strong>for</strong> their spell enhancers. These alchemical preparations<br />

duplicate the effects of metamagic feats. Spell enhancers take<br />

various <strong>for</strong>ms, though most are odd lumps or dried up concoctions,<br />

depending largely on the material used and the preferences<br />

of the bone grinder. Lesser spell enhancers duplicate the<br />

effects of metamagic feats requiring a 1 or 2 level spell slot<br />

increase (Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Silent<br />

Spell and Still Spell). Greater enhancers duplicate the more<br />

powerful metamagic feats, those requiring a 3 or 4 level spell<br />

slot increase (Heighten Spell*, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell<br />

and Widen Spell).<br />

*Spell enhancers <strong>for</strong> Heighten Spell are slightly different<br />

than other spell enhancers. The bone grinder sets the maximum<br />

level <strong>for</strong> the heightened spell when creating the enhancer.<br />

In other words, a spell enhancer created to heighten a spell to<br />

6th level, could be used to cast a 5th or lower level spell as a<br />

6th-level spell.<br />

Using Enhancers<br />

Each spell enhancer is created to duplicate one specific<br />

metamagic feat <strong>for</strong> a chosen school of magic, selected by<br />

the bone grinder at the time of its preparation. The arcane<br />

spellcaster must have the spell enhancer ready while casting<br />

his spell, using it much like a material component, and the<br />

enhancer is consumed by the spell energies. The benefit of the<br />

metamagic feat comes at no additional cost in spell levels, casting<br />

time, or XPs to the spellcaster.<br />

The spell is cast as if the spell-caster himself possessed<br />

and had used the feat in question. If the feat <strong>for</strong> some reason<br />

<strong>Jason</strong> <strong>Andresen</strong> (<strong>order</strong> <strong>#1578489</strong>) 9

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