Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press


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ABRAHAM AND LOT 13:1-18<br />

history, under several masters: first, in all likelihood, a<br />

Sheniite, then the Amorites (Gen. 14: 13), then the Hittites<br />

(Gen. 23:lO-20, 25:9), then the Anakim (Num. 13:22,<br />

28; Josh, 14:13-15, 15:13-14), then Judah, and lastly the<br />

Mohammedans. Hebron became Abraham’s more or less<br />

settled abode throughout the rest of his life. There AbYaiiz<br />

built his third altar. “A third altar is here built by Abram.<br />

His wandering course requires a varying place of worship.<br />

It is the Omnipresent whom he adores. The previous visits<br />

of the Lord had completed the restoration of his inward<br />

peace, security, and liberty of access to God, which had<br />

been disturbed by his descent into Egypt, and the tempta-<br />

tion that had overcome him there. He feels himself again<br />

at peace with God, and his fortitude is renewed. He grows<br />

in spiritual knowledge and practice under the great<br />

Teacher” (MG, 278). Lot in the meantime has not only<br />

pitched his tent toward Sodom, but evidently has moved<br />

on into the city itself.<br />

4. The Biblical Accouizt (ch. 14).<br />

Aiid it came to pass in the days of Aiizraphel king of<br />

Shinar, Arioch kiiig of Ellasar, Chedorlaoiizer kiiig of Elain,<br />

and Tidal king of Goiiin, 2 that they made war with Bera<br />

kin,g of Sodoin, and with Birsba kiiig of Goinowah, Shiizaib<br />

king of Adinah, aiid Shenzeber king of Zeboiiiiz, aizd thle<br />

kiizg of Bela (the saine is Zoar). 3 All these joined together<br />

iiz the vale of Siddiin (the sainc is the Salt Sea). 4 Twelve<br />

years they served Chedorlaonzer, avd in the thirteenth year<br />

they rebelled. j And in the fowteeizth year caine Ched-<br />

orlaomer, aiid the kiiigs that u)ere with him, aizd smote<br />

the Rephaiin in Ashterothkariiaim, aizd the Zuzim ii5<br />

Hain, and the Einiin iiz Shauehkiriathaiw, 6 aizd the Horites<br />

in their mount Seir, unto El-paran, which is by the wilder-<br />

ness. 7 And they returned, aiid cmne to Eiiiizisbpat (the<br />

same is Kadesh), and smote all the couiitry of the Anz-<br />

alekites, aiid also the Ainorites, tJ9at dwelt in Hazazoiz-<br />


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