Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press


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GENESIS 74<br />

L u-*<br />

a conviction with respect to things not seen. And, among<br />

all the great verities which possess. hi$ soul there is none<br />

greater, none nobler, none surer, than his conviction with<br />

respect to the saints’ everlasting home, All the circumstances<br />

of his present journey, all the remembrances, all<br />

his reasonings, all his aspirations, point’ tb a Better Land.<br />

By faith he sings: e 1<br />

- I f<br />

“There is a land of pure dc$igJt,<br />

Where saints immortal reign,<br />

Infinite day excludes the night, I<br />

And pleasures bani& pain.<br />

There everlasting spring’ abides<br />

And never-withering flowers;<br />

Death, like a narrow sea, divides<br />

This heavenly land from ours.”<br />

(3) We realize that LTS far as this present life is colz-<br />

ceraed we are but strangers &nd sojozcrners on the earth.<br />

We dwell in tents, as did Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; in<br />

the tabernacles of a night-time. We are here today, and<br />

gone tomorrow. There is nothing that we possess here<br />

that we can really call our own. All that we shall have in<br />

the end is a few square feet of earth in which our mortal<br />

remains will be laid away to mingle with the dust. This<br />

k not sentimentaity-if is plain fact. We can’t take any-<br />

thing material with us into the next world, for the simple<br />

reason that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom<br />

of God. No matter how diligently we may toil and strive<br />

to accumulate houses and lands and worldly goods, of what<br />

value will these things be when we reach the end of the<br />

road? We are pilgrims, nothing more, walking by faith<br />

in the direction of the heavenly country which we expect<br />

to reach beyond the swelling of the Jordan, the country<br />

that will truly be, “Home, Sweet Home.” The true Chris-<br />

tian philosophy is expressed by Phoebe Carey in these lines:<br />


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