Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press


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116: 1-16 GENESIS 1 1 ‘1 , ‘ J<br />

into or upon the glorious countenance of the Lord. Even<br />

Moses in answer to his special rpquest could not venture<br />

to take such a step (Exo. 33 :23$ .T So here very tersely<br />

Hagar described what happened in her case. When ,Yahweh<br />

appeared, she indeed conversed with Him; but only as He<br />

departed did she ‘look after Him.’, So at least she appears<br />

to have understood that no sinful .mortal can see God’s<br />

countenance directly and live (see. .Ex0 3:20). So she<br />

did not even attempt so rash a thing. ut to her God<br />

now is a God ‘who sees me,’ i.e., ‘cares for, me.’ ” Hagar’s<br />

experiences became known, and as a >result of what she<br />

said, the well came to bear the name,-descriptive of her<br />

experience. God is called “the Living One.” “Quite<br />

properly so, because the fact that ,He has regard for the<br />

needs of those who call upon Him, stamps Him as truly<br />

a Living God and not a dead conception.” The Location<br />

of the well: between Kadesh and Bered (v. 14). “Bered”<br />

has never been located. “Kadesh” is the site commonly<br />

designated Kadesh Barnea (cf. Josh. 1 J : 3 , Num. 1 3 : 3 -2 6,<br />

Deut. 9:23, etc.), forty miles due south and a little to the<br />

west of Beersheba. Skinner (ICCG, 228) : “In Arab tradition<br />

the well of Hagar is plausibly enough identified with<br />

‘Ain-Muweilih, a caravan station about 12 miles to the<br />

W. of Kadesh. The well must have been a chief sanctuary<br />

of the Ishmaelites; hence the later Jews, to whom Ishmael<br />

was a name for all Arabs, identified it with the sacred<br />

well Zemzem at Mecca,” Leupold (EG, J03): “So it<br />

comes to pass that two vast nations, the Jews and the Ishmaelites,<br />

are descended from Abraham. No further<br />

spiritual advantage is attached to the advantage of numbers”<br />

(cf. v. 10).<br />

The Birth of Ishmael (vv. 15-1 6). Certainly there<br />

can be no doubt that Hagar did as the Angel of Yahweh<br />

told ,her. to do, and having returned to Abram’s household<br />

ai,Hebrony she bore him a son in his 86th year. He gave<br />


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