Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press


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At the same time, however, God has chosen to recog-<br />

nize man’s freedom of will with which he has been en-<br />

dowed from the beginning and without which he would<br />

not be man. God chooses to allow man to exercise this<br />

freedom of choice. Men are predestined to be free, and<br />

their free choices constitute God’s foreknowledge. God<br />

does not rule His inoral world by coercion.. He does not<br />

burglarize our wills. He surrounds us with the necessary<br />

means to physical and spiritual life and growth and then<br />

looks to us to work out our own salvation within the<br />

framework of His Providence, holding us accountable in<br />

the long run for the deeds we have done in the flesh.<br />

(John 5:29, Rom. 2:6, Phil. 2:12, Acts 17:31, Rom. 14:10,<br />

2 Cor. S:10, Rev. 20:13).<br />

The same is true of nations as of individuals. God does<br />

not rule the affairs of nations by force. He allows them<br />

to work out their own history and destiny under the aegis<br />

of His Providence. At the same time, however, he ouer-<br />

rules (overthrows, Ezek. 2 1 : 27) peoples and their rulers<br />

when pride, ambition, greed, and arrogance may impel<br />

them into schemes of world conquest. For the simple<br />

fact is that God has reserved universal sovereignty for the<br />

only One worthy of it, His Only Begotten (Phil. 2:9-10,<br />

1 Cor. 15 :20-28, Rev. 11 : 1 5 ) , In every great conflict in<br />

which the forces of righteousness haue been challenged by<br />

the combined powers of evil, the evil powers haue always<br />

gone down to defeat. 1 know of no exceptiolz to this<br />

Principle in all human history. Free men will never be<br />

enslaved for any great length of time by would-be empire<br />

builders.<br />

2. Nations fall when they igizore and violate the moral<br />

law and t h s make themselves vessels fit only for destruc-<br />

tion.<br />

(1) No better example of this fact can be cited than<br />

that of the text before us. Abraham made his pilgrimage<br />

of faith to the Land of Promise, lived there throughout

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