Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press


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12:7, 8<br />

GENESIS A ’ ‘ ‘<br />

which skirt the Jordan, on the ngrthern border of I what<br />

was later the kingdom of Judah, between Bethel and Ai,<br />

Bethel was a place, adjacent to which was the town called<br />

Luz at the first (Gen. 28:19). (Jacob gave this name to<br />

the place twice (Gen. 28:19, 3j:l.y). Arch<br />

firms the fact that the city was established<br />

Bronze Age; hence we meet the name as existing as such<br />

in Abram’s time. Bethel continued pfterward to be a<br />

place hallowed by the presence of God, to which the people<br />

resorted for counsel in the war with Benjamin (Judg.<br />

20:18, 26, 31; xxi. 2), and in which Jeroboam, 1 Ki.<br />

12:29, set up one of the golden calves), “Ai” meant literally<br />

a “heap of stones” (cf. Josh,, chs. 7, 8). Here Abram<br />

pitched his tent. This was his second stoppimg-place in<br />

the Promised Land. (Tent: used for dwelling, Gen. 4:20,<br />

9:21, 12:8, 13:18, 18:1, 13:l; Exo. 18:7; Num. 24:5, 6;<br />

2 Sam. 20:1; Isa. 13:20, 38:12; Jer. 6:3. Women had<br />

tents apart from men, Gen. 24:67, 31:33. Used for cattle,<br />

2 Chron. 14:lj. Manufacture of, Acts 18:3.) Abram<br />

cdled upon the mame of Yohueh. Murphy (MG, 267):<br />

“On the hill east of this sacred ground [Bethel] Abram<br />

built another altar, and called upon the name of the Lord.<br />

Here we have the reappearance of an ancient custom,<br />

instituted in the family of Adam after the birth of Enok<br />

(Gen. 4:26), Abram addresses God by his proper name,<br />

Jehovah, with an audible voice, in his assembled household.<br />

This, then, was a continuation of the worship of Adam,<br />

with additional light according to the progressive development<br />

of the moral nature of man. But Abram has not<br />

yet any settled abode in the land. He is only surveying<br />

its several regions, and feeding his flocks as he finds an<br />

opening. Hence he continues his journey southward.”<br />

Leupold on Gen. 4:26 (EG, 227): “The ‘name’ here, as<br />

usual, means the whole truth that God had revealed about<br />

Himself. Since the name ‘Yahweh’ is attached to ‘name,’<br />

this means that from days of old God was known in the<br />


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