Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press


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GENESIS ’<br />

bly. The Decalogue is not the Gospel, nor is it any Part<br />

of the Gospel. Though essential to good morals, it is a<br />

minor part of the Chtistian system of faith and worship.<br />

Moreover, Jesus made it quite clear that, spiritually, the<br />

Decalogue is inadequate, when, in answer’ to a question<br />

propounded by His critics, He pointed out the two great-<br />

est commandments in the Law, and neither of the two is<br />

found among the Ten Commandments (Matt, 22:31-40,<br />

Deut. 6:5, Lev. 19:18). In brief, we must keep the Ten<br />

Commandments to stay out of jail, but one might keep<br />

all of them and still fall far shore of being a Christian.<br />

Frequently we have been asked the question, Why<br />

can we not be saved as the jeaitent thief (on the Cross)<br />

was suued? The answer is obvious. As long as a will-<br />

maker (testator) lives, he dispenses his property as he sees<br />

fit personally; but when he dies, his property must be dis-<br />

pensed as directed in his last will and testament (cf. Heb.<br />

9: 16-17) ; and so, as long as our Lord was on earth in the<br />

flesh, it was His prerogative to dispense his gifts and<br />

graces as He saw fit (Luke 23:39-43, 1:17-26). But when<br />

He returned to the Father, He left us His Last Will and<br />

Testament, the executors of which were the Apostles, by<br />

wh’6m:it was probated on the great Day of Pentecost; and<br />

so, a throughout<br />

the present Dispensation His blessings are<br />

the conditions specified in the New Covenant;<br />

these are, the “keys of the king ,” and the terms of<br />

admission into the Church‘ (Body Chriit>lfi Th I r-es&acJ~a$:*<br />

tions are faith‘in Christ, is the Son of the living God, repentance<br />

toward Christ,’ confession of Christ, and baptism<br />

into Christ’ (Matt. 16318-20, 28:18-20; Acts 2:38, 16:31-<br />

34; Rom. 10:9-10, Luke 13:3, 2 Cor. 7:10, Matt. 10:32-<br />

33,; Acts’ 8!34-39, 22:16; Rom. 6:4-6, Gal. 3:26-29, John<br />

3:1-5, etc.). (The fdnction of a key is to unlock a door;<br />

hence the “keys of the kingdom” are the requirements<br />

which open the door of the church to the obedient be-<br />

I “ *<br />

liever . )<br />


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