Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press


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to meet the institutions, aspirations, and needs of the human<br />

spirit (cf. Rom. 8:26-27).<br />

2. The perpetuation and development of the essential<br />

principles, laws, and institutions of true religion. These<br />

are, as we have learned already, the Altar, the Sacrifice,<br />

and the Priesthood. (Cf. Gen. 8:20, 12:7-8, 13:18, etc.;<br />

Exo. 20:24-26; Heb. 9:22; Lev, 17:ll; Exa 12:5; Rom.<br />

3:24-26; Rev. 5:9; 1 Pet. 2:j, 9, 24; Heb. 9:ll-28; Rev.<br />

1:6, $:lo, 20:6.)<br />

3. The revelation of the essential principles of moral<br />

conduct, and of national and social righteousness. There<br />

were many noted lawgivers in the ancient world: Minos<br />

and Rhadamanthus of Crete, Hammurabi of Babylon,<br />

Numa Pompilius of Rome, Solon of Athens, Lycurgus of<br />

Sparta, etc. Undoubtedly there was a strain of Semitic<br />

moral (and civil) law-norms of right and wrong con-<br />

duct-handed down by word of mouth from generation<br />

to generation (Rom. 2:14-15). The apostle tells us that<br />

under conscience, however, as educated by tradition alone,<br />

man became more and more sinful; hence the necessity of<br />

incorporating these basic norms into a permanent code:<br />

this was done through the mediatorship of Moses (Gal.<br />

3:19). There can be no doubt, in the minds of honest<br />

intelligent persons that if all men could be induced to<br />

shape their lives by the two Great Commandments as in-<br />

corporated in the Decalogue (cf. Matt, 22:34-40, Deut.<br />

6:5, Lev. 19:18, Exo. 2O:l-17) this temporal world of<br />

mankind in which we are living today would be a very<br />

different world. H. A. Overstreet (The Mature Mind,<br />

96) points up the superiority of the Mosaic Code to all<br />

other legal codes of antiquity, in these words: “The Deca-<br />

logue remains for us the first great insight of our culture<br />

into man’s moral nature. There had been other ‘codes’<br />

before this one, but they had lacked the consistency of<br />

moral insight conveyed in the Decalogue. One and all,<br />

they had been class codes, making arbitrary discriminations<br />


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