Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press


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ABRAHAM AS INTERCESSOR 1 8 : 1-3 3<br />

of an evil society may themselves at last be evil, What is<br />

happening now to people who malie no effective protest<br />

against the wrongs they live with every day?”<br />

Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?<br />

Even<br />

the old pagans, in particular Socrates and Plato, repudiated<br />

the poetic tales of the immoralities of the gods, and in-<br />

sisted that all such tales should be censored so that im-<br />

mature children would not be led astray by them. Plato<br />

said expressly (Republic, 11, 379ff.), “Few are the goods<br />

of human life, and many are the evils, and the good is to<br />

be attributed to God alone; of the evils the causes are to<br />

be sought elsewhere, and not in him”; again, “God is<br />

perfectly simple both in word and deed; he changes not;<br />

he deceives not, either by sign or word, by dream or<br />

waking vision”; and again, “the gods are not magicians<br />

who transform themselves, neither do they deceive man-<br />

kind in any way.” This apparent antinomy between God’s<br />

goodness and His omnipotence is resolved only by the<br />

Christian doctrine of the Atonement. See infra, “The<br />

Covering of Grace.” Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were<br />

definitely repudiating the polytheistic deities of the pagan<br />

ctreligions.”<br />


The Coueriiig of Grace<br />

Gen. 18:25--“Shall not the Judge of all the earth do<br />

right ? ”<br />

Many are the passages of Scripture which state positively<br />

that the only remedy for sin is the blood of Christ.<br />

(Cf. 1 John 1:7, 2:2; Acts 20:28; Eph. 1:7; Rom. 3:25;<br />

Matt. 26:28; John 1:29; 1 Pet. 1:18-19; Heb. 9:22, 9:14;<br />

Rev. 1: 5 , etc.) , This blood-theme first appeared when<br />

animals were slain to provide a covering-note this word<br />

carefully-for our first parents when they discovered their<br />

nakedness, Gen. 3:21. It appeared again in Abel’s pro-<br />


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