Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press


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THE OLD COVENANT 17: 1-27<br />

absence of circumcision, however, did not convey the idea<br />

that the privileges of the covenant were not applicable to<br />

woman also, but that she was dependent, and that her posi-<br />

tion in the natural and covenant-life was not without the<br />

husband, but in. and with him-not in her capacity as<br />

woman, but as wife (and mother). Woman was sancti-<br />

fied and set apart in and with man; in and with him she<br />

had part in the covenant, and so far as her nature and posi-<br />

tion demanded and admitted of it, she had to co-operate<br />

in the development of the covenant!”<br />

The Covenant, God repeated (v. 21) for emphasis no<br />

doubt, should be established with Isaac whom Sarah was<br />

to bear to Abraham at that very time in the following year.<br />

“Since Ishmael therefore was excluded from participating<br />

in the covenant grace, which was ensured to Isaac alone;<br />

and yet Abraham was to become a multitude of nations,<br />

and that through Sarah, who was to become ‘nations’<br />

through the son she was to bear (v. 16) ; this ‘multitude<br />

of nations’ could not include either the Ishmaelites or The<br />

tribes descended from the sons of Keturah (ch. 25:2 ff.),<br />

but the descendants of Isaac alone; and as one of Isaac’s<br />

two sons received no part of the covenant promise, but only<br />

the descendants of Jacob alone. But the whole of the<br />

twelve sons of Jacob founded only the one nation of Israel,<br />

with which Jehovah established the covenant made with<br />

Abraham (Exo. chs. 6, 20-24), so that Abraham became<br />

through Israel the lineal father of one nation only. From<br />

this it necessarily follows, that the posterity of Abraham,<br />

which was to expand into a multitude of nations, extends<br />

beyond this one lineal posterity, and embraces the spiritual<br />

posterity also, ;.e., all nations who are grafted ix fiisieos<br />

Abraain into the seed of Abraham, Rom. 4:11, 12, 16, 17) .”<br />

(KD, 226). By this enlargement it follows that in reality<br />

Abraham received the promise “that he should be heir of<br />

the world” (Rom. 4: 13 ) . 27 1

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