Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press


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being the son of Abraham according to the flesh; for the<br />

promise was; “In Isaac shall thy seed be called,” and he<br />

was the child of promise and of faith. The Christian is<br />

the child of promise and of faith, and hence is reckoned<br />

through Isaac as a special creation of God, and is, there-<br />

fore, himself a new creation. The last creation supersedes<br />

all former ones, and by this supersession abrogates them.<br />

The adoption of the children of Abraham as the special<br />

and peculiar people of God, set aside the adoption by crea-<br />

tion, and during the time of their adoption, the natural<br />

adoption was set aside, and the rest of mankind ignored,<br />

and treated as an uncovenanted people. So when the<br />

Christian adoption came in, the Jewish was set aside, and<br />

all the rest of mankind, not embraced in the new adoption,<br />

were ignored and treated as uncovenanted. Hence, under<br />

Christianity there is neither Jew nor Greek; neither circum-<br />

cision nor uncircumcision; but all the families, nations,<br />

and races of mankind are one in Christ, in perfect ful-<br />

fillment of the promise: rrIyt thee shall all the families of<br />

the earth be blessed.”<br />

All this is necessarily true.<br />

The Remedial System<br />

is developed by differentiations which mark the boundaries<br />

of the development. The patriarch had no privileges,<br />

special and peculiar, after the calling of Abraham. By<br />

that call God isolated a part from the whole, and made<br />

this part his special care. By the new creation through<br />

Christ another isolation was made, which placed Jew and<br />

Greek on the same plane before God, and abrogated all<br />

special and peculiar rights or privileges claimed by the<br />

Jews.<br />

This is necessarily true from another consideration.<br />

The claim of the Jew rested on an explicit covenant. That<br />

covenant recognized him as the chosen of God, through a<br />

means wholly different from that by which he had recognized<br />

the patriarch, and dQes now recognize the Christian.<br />


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