Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press


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12. The Law was a civil code for the government of<br />

the old Jewish theocracy. It was never intended to be a<br />

permanent and universal rule of religious faith and practice.<br />

It was added, the Apostle tells us, that is, added to the<br />

Abrahamic promise, “because of transgressions, till the seed<br />

should come to whom the promise hath been made” (Gal.<br />

3 : 19). The tendency of the Children of Israel to drift<br />

into the customs and practices of their idolatrous heathen<br />

neighbors occasioned the giving of the Law. Under conscience<br />

alone the people became such habitual sinners that<br />

it became necessary to put them under a code of law, in<br />

order that they might know the eternal distinctions between<br />

good and bad, right and wrong. Such is the purpose<br />

of law, generally speaking: it is to define right and<br />

distinguish it from wrong. Law was never eizacted to make<br />

people better, but for the purpose of restraining the lawless<br />

and protecting the weak from the strong. (Cf. Rorn.<br />

7:7-11, 3:19-20). Therefore, what the Law could not do<br />

for man, God did for him by a manifestation of His<br />

infinite grace in the person of His Only Begotten (Rom.<br />

8~3-4).<br />

13. To summarize: as stated above, God has made<br />

two wills. The first was made with respect to the fleshly<br />

seed of Abraham, through the mediation of Moses (Deut,<br />

5). The last is an overture to all mankind through the<br />

mediation of Jesus Christ. The Old was ratified by the<br />

blood of animals at Sinai: the New’ was ratified by ‘the<br />

precious blood of Christ on Calvary. (Cf. Heb. 8:ll-22)’.<br />

the death of our Lord abrogated the Old and ratified the<br />

New at the same time (Col. 2:13-15, Heb. 8:23-28). He<br />

nailed the Law to His Cross and ushered in the universal<br />

reign of grace. God graciously permitted the Law to re-<br />

main as a civil code for the Jewish people down to the<br />

time of the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, but its<br />

binding force was removed when Jesus was crucified. One<br />

of the elementary principles of law is that a new will<br />


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