Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press


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’ GENESIS ;<br />

of Rahab as an example of faith (Neb,,., 11 : 3 1 ) , but James<br />

cites hey as an example of justificatiqq works (v. 2,~).<br />

Gibsqn (PC, James, in loco) : “The,%opposition, however,<br />

is only apparent: for (1) The two ppostles use the wprd<br />

erga in different senses. In St. Pau1,jt always has a deprecatory<br />

sense, unless qualified by h e -,adjectiye I hala ~ or<br />

agatha. The works which he denies p have ,any share in<br />

justification are ‘legal works,’ not those.<br />

denominates the ‘fruit of the Spirit’. (<br />

are the works of which St. James.qpea<br />

pistis is also used in different senses.,. .In<br />

di’ agapes energozmeize (Gal. 5 : 6) [Le., faith working<br />

through reverential love] ; in St. James sit is simply an<br />

orthodox creed, ‘even the devils pistei,~wsi’ (v. 19) ; it may,<br />

therefore, be barren of works of charity. (3) The Apostles<br />

are writing against different errors and tendencies: St.<br />

Paul against those who would impose the Jewish law and<br />

the rite of circumcision upon Gentile believers; St. James<br />

against ‘the self -complacent orthodoxy of the Pharisaic<br />

Christian, who, satisfied with the possession of a pure<br />

monotheism and vaunting his descent from Abraham,<br />

needed to be reminded not to neglect the still weightier<br />

matters of self-denying love.’ . . . (4) The Apostles regarded<br />

the new dispensation from different standpoints.<br />

With St. Paul it is the negation of the law: ‘Ye are not<br />

under Law, but under grace’ (Rom. 6:14). With St.<br />

James it is the perfection of Law.” The term “works” has<br />

come to indicate different categories of human acts. (1)<br />

By works of the Law the Apostle Paul surely has reference<br />

to human acts included in the keeping of the Mosaic Law,<br />

both the Decalogue and the ritualistic aspect of it. Obviously,<br />

no human being does or even can keep the Ten<br />

Commandments perfectly: the sad fact is that all “have<br />

sinned, and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3 :23).<br />

Ong..must obey the requirments of the Decalogue to be<br />

cop’sidexed a “moral” man: unfortunately in the view of<br />


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