Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press


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(Exo. 3:8, 17; Exo. 1,3:7; Deut. 8:7-9, 11:8-12; Josh. 5:6,<br />

Jer. ll:J, Ezek. 20:6; 15; Num. 13:27). The low plains<br />

yielded luxuriant crops of wheat and barley, of rye and<br />

millet; on the table-lands with their equable and moderate<br />

climate grew the vine, the olive, the fig, the almond, the<br />

pomegranate; in the tropical neighborhood of Jericho<br />

flourished the palm’tree and the balsam; while the noble<br />

cedar waved on the mountains of Lebanon.” What a role<br />

this laiid has played in the history of the world! aiid what<br />

a role dt is still playiiig in our day!<br />

5. Abram’s Respoizse to God’s Call (12:1-6).<br />

V. ‘+--‘so Abram went, as Jehovah had spoken unto<br />

him.” This statement gives us the key to Abram’s motiva-<br />

tion throughout his entire life. When God spoke, Abram<br />

acted accordingly (cf. Paul, Acts 22:10, 26:19). This<br />

complete dedication to the will of God in all things, as<br />

manifested by Abraham throughout his life, surely negates<br />

the notion that he had become contaminated by the idola-<br />

trous tendencies of his kinsmen. It was this very commit-<br />

ment that caused his name to go down in the sacred<br />

records as the Friend of God and the Father of the Faith-<br />

ful (ha. 41:8, 2 Chron. 20:7, Jas. 2:21-24, John 8:39-40;<br />

Rom. 4:4, 4:16-17; Gal. 3:5-9, Heb. 11:s-10, esp. John<br />

15:14). This fact also tends to negate the view of some<br />

commentators that two divine calls were necessary to move<br />

Abram toward his ultimate destination. The record of<br />

Abram’s life surely proves that it was not his custom to<br />

delay obedience when God called, any longer than circum-<br />

stances might necessitate. The Scripture record clearly<br />

indicates that the place of his nativity was Ur, where he<br />

lived with his father Terah, his brothers Nahor and Haran,<br />

and where he married Sarai; that on the death of Haran, he<br />

migrated with his father, his wife, and his nephew Lot<br />

(son of Haran) to the geographical Haran in Upper<br />

Mesopotamia (11:26-32) ; and that on the death of his<br />

father he (Abram, now 75 years old) left Haran with<br />


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