Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press

Genesis Vol 3.pdf - College Press


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1 ’ GENESIS‘, 1<br />

Only Begotten. This is true, simply because Perfect Wisdom<br />

and Justice and Love would command only that which<br />

contributes ,to the good of His saints. Surely, then,<br />

Abraham deserved the title, Friend of God. Gen. 15:6-<br />

“And he [Abraham] believed in Jehovah; and he reckoned<br />

it to him for righteousness.” Abraham’s belief manifested<br />

itself in obedience: when God called, Abraham heard, believed,<br />

and obeyed: this is what faith always does, if it is<br />

truly faith. Hence, when the ultimate proof came on<br />

Moriah (Gen. 22:2), the patriarch did not question, quail,<br />

or fail. He met the test in a sublime manifestation of the<br />

obedience of faith (Gen. 22:9-14). “Trust and obey, for<br />

there’s no other way, To be happy in Jesus, but to trust<br />

and obey.”<br />

Would you be a friend of God? Then believe as<br />

Abraham believed, obey as Abraham obeyed, trust as Abraham<br />

trusted, walk as Abraham walked, give as Abraham<br />

gave (Gen. 14: 18-20) , sacrifice as Abraham sacrificed<br />

(Matt. 12:46-50, 10:37), die in faith as Abraham died<br />

in faith, anticipating that City which hath foundations,<br />

whose builder and maker is God (Heb. 11 : lo). Will you<br />

not come=now and start ’on that same glorious pilgrimage of<br />

faith that leads ’ the ”faithful to that same City, New<br />

Jerusalem (Rev. 2 1 : 2 ) ?<br />



’I. What importani’lessons are to be obtained from the<br />

story of Sarah,,Hagar and Ishmael?<br />

2. What,‘ probably, was Sarai’s motive in proposing that<br />

biak take Hagar .as , his” t ‘:secondary * wife”?<br />

3. What are-some of the apparently never-ending consequences<br />

of this evenJ? ,.,<br />

4, What was the status of a concubine under Mesopotamian<br />

law?<br />

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