VSF 2010 Report - Nabo

VSF 2010 Report - Nabo

VSF 2010 Report - Nabo


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zone but values decline towards the top of the zone. Cyperaceae values remain constant<br />

throughout the zone at around 20%. Charcoal concentration values are exceptionally low in<br />

this zone.<br />

LPAZ Vat-5 (C. 1890 – 2008)<br />

Percentage pollen values for this upper zone are marked by increases in pollen concentration<br />

values (Figure 4) which reflect changes in the peat composition with peat beginning to dry<br />

out. Betula, Poaceae and Equisetum increase throughout the zone, in contrast to reduced<br />

values in Lactuaceae, Potentilla and Cyperaceae. Charcoal concentration values also show an<br />

increase towards the top of the zone.<br />

Discussion<br />

The formation of the wet meadow dated to 890-1020 AD lies within the traditional landnám<br />

timeframe, and is considered to post-date the settlement of Vatnsfjörður. The pollen evidence<br />

presented here suggests that since the early developmental stages of the wet meadow species<br />

composition has not varied considerably. Poaceae (grasses) has dominated the species<br />

assemblage, remaining at a relatively stable and high percentage value until the present day.<br />

Various herb species have grown alongside Poaceae, although in much smaller quantities and<br />

never dominate the species assemblage. It is suggested that the habitat type of a wet, grass<br />

rich meadow once established persisted until the present day. Here it is proposed that to<br />

maintain this grass rich meadow would have required some form of management to prevent<br />

the encroachment or dominance of other species such as Cyperaceae (sedges). Management<br />

could have been either through removal of the vegetation for fodder or through grazing. The<br />

herb species diversity would also indicate that there has been some form of management<br />

again to maintain this modest level of diversity. Additional evidence of management on site<br />

is from micromorphological analysis of soil from the meadow which showed micro-horizons<br />

of midden type material spread over the meadow, likely as a manuring strategy to cope with<br />

the inherently infertile land (Barclay 2008); this practice might have aided the maintenance of<br />

enhanced levels of Poaceae throughout the period of occupation. The pollen evidence would<br />

suggest that after c. 1420 AD there is slight reduction in diversity perhaps indicating a change<br />

in management but that after c. 1775 AD there is a marked reduction in diversity. It is<br />

proposed that this marked reduction in diversity at c. 1775 AD is in response to a change in<br />

management or land use with perhaps a move to greater intensity of the meadow area for<br />

grazing rather than for fodder use.<br />

The timing of the establishment of the wet meadow and the above evidence for<br />

management of the meadow would suggest that this meadow is anthropogenic in origin,<br />

created just after settlement of the Vatnsfjörður site. The creation of this meadow would<br />

have been through the extension of a naturally occurring wetland area on the site (Figure 1)<br />

and would have exploited the raised beach ridge to effectively create a larger wetland area.<br />

What is less clear from the pollen analysis is if the water table at the site was maintained in<br />

terms of irrigation or if once peat began to accumulate and drainage was impeded that the wet<br />

meadow was self sustaining. Aquatic taxa (Figure 3) are present in low values throughout the<br />

profile and would suggest that wet conditions persist. In addition the continued accumulation<br />

of peat also requires wet anaerobic conditions to allow for the preservation of organic<br />

material.<br />

Concentration values of larger charcoal fragments (>50 µm) remain constant<br />

throughout the profile. This would indicate that the overall changes in charcoal concentration<br />


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