VSF 2010 Report - Nabo

VSF 2010 Report - Nabo

VSF 2010 Report - Nabo


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Brief historical background of Hálshús and previous archaeological work<br />

Little is known about the history of the farm of Hálshús. The first mention in historical<br />

sources dates its occupation around 1327 (Aldred, 2008: 40). Jarðabók suggested that the<br />

farm was a tenant farm owned by the main farm of Vatnsjörður until the early modern<br />

period (JÁM: 214-215) when it probably became an independent farm until its<br />

abandonment in modern times, just like many farms and shielings in the area (eg Sveinhús,<br />

Miðhús and Vatnsfarðasel). Today, the farm is in ruins: turf and stone walls, a sheep house<br />

and hay storage silo annexed to the main turf structure and other unidentified features are<br />

the only witness of an ancient occupation. East of this structure, at the edge of a gentle<br />

slope, lies the eroded face with midden deposits appearing in the profile. In order to record<br />

the profile and gather more information on successive deposits, a member of the staff<br />

undertook a small evaluation trench where the profile showed its thickest deposits (see<br />

Oddgeir Isaksen, this report).<br />

Coring methodology<br />

Based on the location of the evaluation trench excavated earlier during the summer and the<br />

shape of the feature, a coring strategy was established. A total of five coring transects were<br />

done; four of them – oriented more or less north/south – were concentrated around the<br />

possible midden east of the main turf structure and another one – oriented east/west – was<br />

done between the main structure and a visible feature lying east of the farm (Figure 2). A<br />

five meter distance between each core was respected. A list of all core descriptions can be<br />

found in Table 1. Core locations were flagged in order to later locate them with a total<br />

station.<br />


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